
Program Schedule

The core courses in our MASc graduate program are:

  • Sustainability Seminar Series in Civil Engineering (CIVE 595)
  • MASc Thesis ()
  • MASc students are allowed to take two Directed Studies () courses. Only one of these can be directly related to the thesis topic.

The core courses in our PhD graduate program are:

  • Research Methods (CIVE 601)
  • Sustainability Seminar Series in Civil Engineering ()
  • Candidacy Examination ()
  • PhD Dissertation ()
  • PhD students are allowed to take one Directed Studies () course.

As we grow our graduate program we will be offering a number of graduate courses in our research themes of green buildings and structures, sustainable cities, industrial ecology and sustainable water resources.

The Calendar is the official guide to all programs, courses, services and regulations of the University.  If there is any discrepancy between our website and the Calendar, the information in the Calendar is authoritative.

We are currently offering the following graduate courses:

Fall Graduate Courses: 

Course Section Course Title Instructor
CIVE 510 A01 Industrial Metabolism Chris Kennedy
CIVE 515 A01 Methods in Industrial Ecology Kristian Dubrawski
CIVE 551 A01 Advanced Building Science Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya
CIVE 557 A01 Behaviour & Design of Steel Structures Min Sun
CIVE 586 A01 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Cheng Lin
CIVE 595/695 A01 Sustainability Seminars TBA
CIVE 601 A01 Research Methods Thomas Froese

Spring Graduate Courses:

Course Section Course Title Instructor
CIVE 503 A01 Simulation & Optimization of Designs & Flows Ralph Evins
CIVE 511 A01 Resilient Smart Cities David Bristow
CIVE 512 A01 Industrial Symbiosis TBA
CIVE 513 A01 Urban Metabolism Laura Minet
CIVE 516 A01 Climate Strategy Chris Kennedy
CIVE 517 A01 Systems & Complexity Modeling Dave Bristow
CIVE 523 A01 Composite Structures Sardar Malek
CIVE 524 A01 Building Science Case Studies Graham Finch
CIVE 544 A01 Water and Sanitation Caetano Dorea
CIVE 545 A01 Groundwater Hydrology Tom Gleeson
CIVE 554 A01 Sustainable Infrastructure & ND Health Monitoring Rishi Gupta
CIVE 580 A04 Selected Topics: Hydrology and Data Analysis Tara Troy
CIVE 595/695 A01 Sustainability Seminars TBA
Grad Timetables: