
Nelson Lee & Virginie Brunetaud

Nelson Lee & Virginie Brunetaud

Title of Talk:
Challenges and Opportunities in Integrating Climate Action and Sustainability into Professional Engineering – A Regulator’s Perspective

Presentation Summary:
This tag-team presentation will provide an overview of Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s role and mandate, touch upon how that intersects with climate action and sustainability and include a detailed account on how that translates into the programs and initiatives that the regulator offers. Presentation will include:

  • Expectation and obligations of Professional Practice articulated in the Professional Practice Guidelines with examples,
  • Proactive resources offered by Engineers and Geoscientists BC,
  • An overview of Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s current programs and initiatives,
  • Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Climate Change Action Plan and efforts underway to develop an Organizational Climate Strategy, and
  • Information on how engineering students can shape their future to be in alignment with climate action and sustainability.

Following the talk, there would be an opportunity for students to ask questions in relation to the topic at hand and other aspects related to registering with Engineers and Geoscientists BC.


Short Bios:

Nelson Lee, P. Eng., CC-P.

Nelson Lee is the founder of Green Sky Sustainability Inc. () and is highly experienced as a GHG quantifier, verifier and climate change risk and resilience professional.  He has advised corporations and governments on strategies for improving their sustainability related to environment, health, and safety (EHS) performance. He has 30+ years of professional EHS auditing and ISO 14001 certification experience in a variety of industrial sectors around the globe. Nelson represented Canada in developing ISO 14064 and 14090 series of standards. He has completed 500 GHG verifications, in BC and beyond, according to ISO 14064-3. He has been an avid volunteer with Engineers & Geoscientists BC (EGBC).  Nelson is a professional Engineer in BC, AB and SK.


Virginie Brunetaud, P.Ag.

As a Climate Strategist with Engineers and Geoscientists BC, is developing the organization’s Climate Change Strategy which will outline the internal and external initiatives that the regulatory body will undertake in pursuit of its vision to be a modern regulator for a resilient world. Virginie is a Professional Agrologist registered with the BC Institute of Agrology, with 10 years of experience in environmental science including contaminated sites and water resources management. Before recently joining Engineers and Geoscientists BC, she worked in consulting as a hydrogeologist in British Columbia and Western Australia.