
Past Projects

Projects completed in 2020


Off-Campus Travel and International SOS Pilot

Project Goals: To update the Off-Campus Activity Risk Management Policy and development of online travel resources. 

The online travel resources portion of this project also included the implementation of a pilot with International SOS, a Medical and Travel Security Assistance Provider. 

Employee Scheduling System

Project Goals: To evaluate, select and implement an employee scheduling/time tracking system for hourly paid employees to assist administrators and employees to manage and track time for scheduling, payment and reporting.

Older Past Projects

Travel Management

Project Goals:

To explore and assess the treatment of travel expense management including key components of:

  • Planning
  • Booking
  • Travelling
  • Paying
  • Authorizing
  • Reporting

To evaluate booking tools for non-employee and employee travel.

To Develop and evaluate travel scenarios and rules of engagement that will inform principles and policy for non-employee and employee travel.

Educational Technology Review

Educational technology is currently supported by a number of different units and staff across campus.  Given this distributed service model, it is difficult for users of the systems to understand how and where to access support.  As the use of educational technology grows, it is increasingly important that resources are aligned to best support and encourage faculty, sessional lecturers, teaching assistants and others to fully utilize the resources available to them.

Payroll Business Process Review

Current payroll systems and processes have been in place for several years and have stretched the very limits of those responsible for administering payroll.  While there have been some tactical process improvements developed internally or through the oversight of the HRIS Steering Committee, such as the introduction of web and department-based timekeeping, there has never been a comprehensive post-implementation review or assessment of how current processes could be improved to better meet the needs of those initiating, administering or in receipt of payroll processes.

Recruiting Needs Assessment

The current online recruitment tool, uHire, will be replaced with a new technology platform and software in the near future.  Before acquiring and implementing the replacement system, consultation with key stakeholders is required to ensure the institution understands and addresses areas within the recruitment process that are inefficient and could benefit from simplifying, streamlining and if possible, automating.

Independent Contractor Project

Administrators were unclear about the distinction between employment and contract services. This lead to confusion about which process to follow and which forms to use when engaging individuals to provide services, and there was no central point of contact to assist administrators in determining the above. We did not have a framework that guided the administrator through a process where they can easily determine the payment type and some definitions (e.g., academic services) are unclear. This posed a risk to the institution with respect to incorrect payment types and accounting regulations (CRA). Certain policies required revisions. Forms in transition required streamlining and/or elimination. There was no clear understanding of the role and accountability of central resources (VPAC, HR, Finance, General Counsel, and Purchasing) to provide support to administrators and account holder.

For more information please email vpfoproj@uvic.ca