
Current Projects

Decentralized IT

Internal Audit (IA) has produced a General Report on Decentralized Information Technology at UVic to address risks around the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic information resources. A steering committee has been formed to review the general report, outline a plan to address the recommendations and then implement those plans. The committee is co-chaired by Acting AVP Academic Planning, Robin Hicks, and AVP University Systems and CIO, Wency Lum, and includes various academic and administrative leaders. The steering committee membership has also been thoughtfully composed to reflect the breadth and complexity of decentralized IT operation at UVic. Additional stakeholders may be consulted on project activities as appropriate throughout the project.

Self-Service Banner and Online tools upgrade

Ellucian has made significant upgrades to Banner 9 Self Serve – our enterprise resource planning system. As part of the upgrade, new Self Serve modules (SSB) are available for a number of mission-critical functions such as course registration, job status, pay stub, and leave reporting, and other tools for faculty, staff, and students. These modules are a significant improvement from our current modules because they are mobile-friendly and include a number of usability improvements. This project is co-sponsored by Nicole Greengoe, Registrar, and Janice Johnson, Executive Director, Financial Services. The steering committee membership includes key stakeholders from the Office of the Registrar, Human Resources, the Office of Research Services, LTSI, Student Services, and University Systems.

Digitizing the Employee File Pilot

The goal of this project is to digitize the employee file to reduce duplication of records, reduce the amount of paper files generated and stored, and increase efficiency across departments using the same files. The first phase of this project will focus on Management Excluded files as a pilot. This project is co-sponsored by Kane Kilbey, AVP Human Resources, and Michele Parkin, Faculty Relations and Academic Administration.

For more infromation email vpfoproj@uvic.ca.