

番茄社区 Foundation Act

The  was passed as Bill Pr401 – 2006 on March 9, 2005.

Endowment management policy

The Foundation Board's endowment management or spending policy has objectives to:

  • Protect the value of the fund against inflation over time so that the donor is assured that the donation will continue to work for the benefit of UVic for generations to come, and
  • Provide stability in the earnings distribution to allow both recipients and UVic to plan ahead by knowing what funds will be made available each year.

Investment objectives and guidelines

The Foundation Board reviews a statement of investment objectives and guidelines that guides the implementation of investing the Foundation's assets. This covers topics such as investment managers, performance management and monitoring, and other topics.

Investment beliefs

The summary of investment beliefs is updated regularly and codifies investment beliefs of the Foundation.

Responsible Investment Policy

The Foundation Board’s Responsible Investment Policy has objectives to:

  • to support the Foundation’s ambition to be a leader in ESG integration;
  • to describe the Foundation Board’s implementation of its responsibility to consider how Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) issues are incorporated into the investment decision-making process in evaluating and monitoring investment managers, as stated in the Statement of Investment Objectives and Guidelines;
  • to describe how the Foundation fulfils its commitments as a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”); and
  • to support ongoing communication between the Foundation Board and the Foundation Treasurer, investment managers, investment consultants, and Foundation stakeholders, including donors and beneficiaries.

As of December 1, 2023:

Elected by the Members

  • Keith Barr
  • Chris Donkers
  • Ann Glazier Rothwell
  • Jason Milne
  • Jagdeep Shergill

Appointed by the Board of Governors of the University

  • Mary Garden (Chair)
  • Doug Stadelman (Vice-Chair)
  • Carol Bellringer
  • Sheridan Scott
  • Bryan Thomson

Ex-officio Members

  • Kevin Hall
  • Kristi Simpson


  • Chris Horbachewski (Acting President)
  • Raymond Aoki (Treasurer)
  • Barbara Eccles (Secretary)
  • Chrissy Drew (Assistant Secretary)

2024-2025 Budget Allocations



Endowments are founded on the vision of a donor to create a lasting legacy at the university. Each fund is established individually to blend that vision with the needs of the university.

Some of the areas supported by endowments include scholarships, awards, bursaries, experiential opportunities (such as co-op placements or field schools), fellowships, chairs, buildings and academic programs. The impact of this support is varied and far-reaching.

Explore some of the ways donors are supporting UVic through the Foundation: