
Senate Committee on Agenda and Governance

The Senate Committee on Agenda and Governance assists the Chair of Senate in the preparation of the Senate agenda while ensuring that the agenda items clearly state a purpose and intent; recommends revisions to Senate’s Rules to Govern and deals with all matters of procedure that fall within the duties and power of Senate.  The committee considers and make recommendations to Senate with respect to the membership, procedures, structure and terms of reference of the Senate committees, and recommends to Senate appointments to the Senate standing committees and some advisory committees requiring Senate representation.

Meeting dates and deadlines for 2024/25:

Deadline for Agenda Items (12:00 pm) Meeting Dates
September 18, 2024 September 20, 2024
October 16, 2024 October 18, 2024
November 20, 2024 November 22, 2024
December 11, 2024 December 13, 2024
January 22, 2025 January 24, 2025
February 19, 2025 February 21, 2025
March 19, 2025 March 21, 2025
April 15, 2025 April 17, 2025

Click here for the Committee's Terms of Reference

Annual Reports

Membership and Composition effective July 1, 2024

  Name                                Faculty or Department       Composition

Kevin Hall (Chair) President and Vice-Chancellor President as Chair of Senate
(ex-officio, voting)
Robin Hicks (Vice-Chair)
(term ends October 4, 2024)
Graduate Studies
Vice-chair of Senate
Mark Laidlaw *
(term ends June 30, 2026)
Social Sciences

 5 members of Senate who are either faculty members, a professional librarian or a continuing sessional

*2 members from this category shall be elected to the Committee by Senate, in accordance with section 55.00 of the Senate Rules and Procedures

Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya*
(term ends June 30, 2025)
Engineering and Computer Science
(term ends June 30, 2025)
Martha McGinnis
(term ends June 30, 2026)
Graduate Studies
Inba Kehoe
(term ends June 30, 2027)
Moronke Harris
(term ends June 30, 2025)
1 student member of Senate
Alivia Wang
(term ends June 30, 2027)
1 convocation member of Senate
Elizabeth Croft
Vice-President Academic and Provost
(ex-officio, voting)
Carrie Andersen University Secretary
(ex-officio, non-voting)
Ada Saab Associate University Secretary Secretary

Kathy MacDonald

Senate Coordinator Recording Secretary