
Stephanie Castle and The Zenith Foundation

Stephanie Castle and The Zenith Foundation Finding Aid

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Stephanie Castle (1925-2017) was a Vancouver-based author and activist, and founder of the Zenith Foundation and Zenith Digest. Castle was a naval officer, a marine insurance underwriter, ship owner and real estate developer. In her retirement, Castle wrote and published a number of titles about transsexualism and its related social, family, economic, political and employment issues. Stephanie Castle passed away May 8th, 2017.  

UVic's Transgender Archives holds:

  • Copies of Zenith Digest
  • Castle's books including Prisoner of Gender and A Tale of Two Wives
  • Material relating to the administration of the Zenith Foundation
  • Records from the Foundation's participation as an intervener in the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal case regarding Synthia Kavanagh and the Correctional Service of Canada. Kavanagh, a trans woman, eventually won the right to undergo sex reassignment surgery while incarcerated and to be housed in a women's correctional facility.