
Other Collections

In addition to our larger collections, The Transgender Archives is the proud home of numerous smaller and important collections.

Willow Arume
Laura Bailey
Alex Bakker
Rosalyne Blumenstein
Marsha Botzer
Christine Burns
Juan Cabrera
Donna Cartwright
Joanna Clark
Sara Davidmann
Steve Desroches
Mickey Diamond
Professor Richard Ekins
Lee Ann P. Etscovitz
Danielle Fraser
Mark Freeman
Eko Joshua Goldberg
Antonio Guillamon

Alison & Dottie Laing and family
Ray Locke
Teddy Michaels
Christine Milrod
Christopher Moore
Moving Trans History Forward
Viviane Namaste
Professor Colin Partridge
Jude Patton
Gender Odyssey
Provincetown Arts
Mark Rees
Joanne Roberts
(OF SOULS Metamorphosis)
Amy Ryken
Kirill Sabir
Lisa Salazar
Mark Schoen
Lonny Shavelson
Chloë Sėquin
Sinith Sittirak
Liesl Theron

Anne Vitale
Alexander Wolf

Other Collections Finding Aid

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Other Collections Finding Aid