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Privacy and Security Checklist for Office Staff

  1. Do you need the information?
    • Confidential or sensitive information requires special attention; if it is not required, don’t collect it.
  2. Are filing cabinets containing personal and/or sensitive information locked at night or when not in use?
    • Make one or two people responsible for ensuring the filing cabinets are locked at the end of the day, and responsible for the keys.
    • Hint: If you have highly confidential records, Facilities Management can install bars to additionally secure locked cabinets.
  3. Are printer and fax trays emptied at the end of the day?
    • Make one or two people responsible for clearing the trays at the end of each day.
    • Encourage the use of the secure printing function on printers and multi-function devices.
    • Hint: If unsure how secure printing works, ask your IT support for advice.
  4. Has information been left behind in meeting rooms?
    • Remember to clean whiteboards and remove flipcharts, papers and notes when they contain confidential or sensitive information.
  5. Is your department keeping information longer than required?
    • Check the Directory of Records to determine the appropriate retention schedule for your records. Hint: If you need further assistance, call 8275
  6. Do staff use shredders and secure bins to securely dispose of documents?
    • Ensure staff are aware of your office secure disposal methods.
    • Hint: Send an email reminder to staff outlining the procedures for disposing of documents particular to your location. If you need further assistance, call 8275. 
  7. Are staff aware of who can see their computer screens?
    • Be aware of who can see your screen – either face it away from public areas or add a privacy screen protector.
    • Use quick keys to lock your screen: Ctrl Alt Delete or windows key and L key. Mac users: Command-Option-Eject or Control-Shift-Power (ensure that your Security and Privacy settings have the “Require password after sleep or screen saver begins” option enabled)
    • Check screen saver settings that your inactive screen is locked; ask for IT support if necessary.
  8. Are diaries and notebooks left open and unattended on desks?
    • Secure diaries when not in use or consider using electronic diaries.
  9. Is personal, sensitive or health information left in in-trays over night?
    • Remind staff to lock away confidential documents – promote a clean desk policy
  10. Do staff regularly take large amounts of files or data out of the office?
    • If possible use remote access arrangements (Virtual Private Network) when working from home. Use trusted systems such as UVIC supported hardware, computers, systems and email only
    • Only take home (or out of the office) what you really need.
  11. Are files visible while in transit?
    • Consider purchasing secure briefcases or folders.
    • Don’t leave files or portable devices unattended.
  12. Are portable electronic devices secure?
    • Encrypt USBs and portable storage devices
    • Password protect and encrypt laptops, tablets and smartphones.
    • When not in use, ensure portable devices are securely stored.
    • And don’t forget to delete information that is no longer needed from these devices.