
Accessibility and Sustainability Maps

How to use the maps

The accessibility and sustainability maps are a series of embedded google maps to help you engage with and find features on campus such as, expanded recycling bins, water-refill stations, active transportation features, and all-gender washrooms.

There are two ways to reach the accessibility and sustainability maps, either through the QR code or though the embedded maps below. From here, you can zoom in and find the feature that is closest to you and click on the icon to find the exact location. If you are still having trouble finding the feature, you can click on the icon and get exact directions! Keep in mind that all features on these maps are located on the first floor of every building.

Expanded recycling bins

Properly sorting your waste into the right bins helps make sure that the materials collected are recycled properly, reducing the number of materials going into the landfill. In addition to Sort-It-Out stations across campus, expanded recycling bins including glass, Styrofoam, batteries and electronics, soft plastics, masks, and pens, and clothing donation bins help us to improve our recycling habits to prevent excess waste, save energy, and conserve resources. 

If you are unsure where to recycle or donate your items, check out this interactive map!

This map can be overwhelming at first glance, so feel free to filter out features and dial into what you need to find. Here you can find locations of clothing donation, glass, styrofoam, batteries and electronics, soft plastic, mask, and pen recycling bins:

Water-refill stations

Just as it’s important to stay hydrated, it important to bring your own water bottle. After all, no single-use water bottles are sold on the UVic campus! If you are struggling to find a place to fill your bottle up, here’s a map of the water-refill stations on campus:

Active transportation resources

If Victoria’s unpredictable weather is a barrier to you biking to school -  fear not, UVic’s covered bike racks will keep your bike dry and ready to go! In addition to covered bike racks, UVic has a compressed air station to pump up your flats.

If you are someone with an electric vehicle, this map also includes the location of all charging locations across campus. 

If you don’t have a bike in the first place, visit the BikeHub to participate in the bike loan program, where volunteer mechanics give new life to used and old bikes. These racks and resources are spread-out all-around campus, so here’s a map if you are unsure where to go:

All-gender washrooms

Gender-neutral washrooms provide a more welcoming and comfortable space for all genders. Additionally, there are free menstural products (pads and tampons) in the first-floor washrooms of many high-traffic buildings.

If you are looking for an all-gender washroom, here’s a map to help you out: