
Awards for campus sustainability

fair trade designation
UVic received its first Fair Trade Campus Designation in 2018



In 2020 UVic achieved its third gold rating and highest score yet of 80.17 in the Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) conducted by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). This rating will be valid for three years.

STARS engages post-secondary institutions worldwide to measure their sustainability progress via a transparent self-reporting framework and points system. The major reporting categories are academics, engagement, operations, and planning and administration.

In 2014, UVic attained its first gold rating (score of 67.97) and at the time, was one of just five Canadian universities with this achievement. UVic’s continuing commitment to sustainability earned its second improved score and gold rating (score of 76.79) in 2017. You can see UVic’s most recent  

THE University Impact Rankings

UVic has been ranked 2nd globally in Sustainable Development Goals “climate action” and “life on land” by the Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings 2022. THE Impact Rankings are the only global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Universities rankings in “climate action”, also known as SDG 13, are based on how universities are contributing to climate action. Some measures considered in this assessment are low carbon energy use, the presence of a university-wide climate action plan, and working with local or national government to address climate change planning. UVic’s ranking in SDG 13 reflects our institutional commitment to meaningful change and being a global leader in sustainability. 

Rankings for SDG 15, Life on Land, are determined based on an institution’s ability to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and combat biodiversity loss, among other factors. UVic’s extraordinary fieldwork and lab research is advancing scientific knowledge and supporting solutions that are beneficial to people, diverse species and the planet’s health.

Learn more about Sustainable Development Goals at UVic.  

Canada's Greenest Employer

Canada's Greenest Employers 2022The 15th annual list of Canada’s Greenest Employers has included UVic for an eighth time as of 2022! The national award recognizes an elite group of Canadian employers that lead the nation in creating a culture of environmental awareness and action. Some of the sustainable initiatives on campus that supported UVic’s selection as a Greenest Employer include the Campus Sustainability Fund, progress towards waste minimization and diversion, and active transportation infrastructure such as the Campus Bike Centre!

Award for Planning Excellence for the Campus Cycling Plan

The Campus Cycling Plan was awarded the  2019 Award for Planning Excellence Merit in the New and Emerging Planning Initiatives category.

The national awards honour planning projects judged on their excellence, innovation, impact on the profession, implementation potential and overall presentation.  

For the full Campus Cycling Plan, click here

Student Housing and Dining wins CleanBC Better Buildings Competition 

The Student Housing and Dining project was selected as one of eleven winners of the . The Net-Zero Energy-Ready Challenge is one of many CleanBC programs aimed to support the design and construction of energy-efficient buildings. 

For more information on the Student Housing and Dining project, click here.