
Danesh Shahnazian

Danesh Shahnazian
Office: COR A073
Area of expertise

Cognition and Brain Sciences

Research interests

I have masters in biomedical engineering from Tehran University. My master thesis was on applying Granger Causality method on EEG signals. I am currently a fourth year PhD student in psychology and I am interested in studying the neural correlates of goal-directed temporally extended sequential behavior. I use a combination of ERP signal analysis, reinforcement learning, neural network modeling to look at this type of behavior at a more abstract level.

Representative publications

[1]Shahnazian, D.; Mokhtari, F.; Hossein-Zadeh, G., "A method based on the granger causality and graph kernels for discriminating resting state from attentional task," Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE), 2012 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.83,88, 27-28 Feb. 2012 doi: 10.1109/ICoBE.2012.6178960

Representative presentations

Danesh Shahnazian, Clay Holroyd, “Recurrent Neural Network Modeling of Anterior Cingulate Cortex” 3rd Workshop on Computational Propesrties of Prefrontal 2014 Whistler, B.C.