
Jonathan Rush

Jonathan Rush
Office: COR B318
Area of expertise

Individualized Programs


Dr. Scott Hofer

Research interests

I am interested in understanding how well-being is experienced on a day-to-day level as well as across the life-span. Much research has examined individual differences in well-being in cross-sectional research designs, which do not account for day-to-day fluctuations in levels of well-being. My research interests are currently focused on the measurement and modeling of these within-person variations in well-being through the use of intensive repeated measurement designs (e.g., ecological momentary assessment, daily diary). Intensive repeated measurement (“burst”) designs, where frequent closely spaced measurements (i.e., across days) are repeated over longer intervals (i.e., months, years), allows for a better understanding of the within-person dimensionality and dynamic nature of well-being from younger to older adulthood. In addition to my substantive interests in well-being, I am also interested in research design and methodology for the analysis of change and variation and the optimization of within-person measurement.

Representative publications

Rush, J., & Hofer, S. M. (in press). Differences in within- and between-person factor structure of positive and negative affect: Analysis of two intensive measurement studies using multilevel SEM. Psychological Assessment.

Rush, J., & Grouzet, F.M.E. (2012). It’s about time: Daily relationships between temporal perspective and well-being. Journal of Positive Psychology, 7, 427-442.

Hodson, G., Rush, J., & MacInnis, C. C. (2010). A “joke is just a joke” (except when it isn’t): Cavalier humor beliefs facilitate the expression of group dominance motives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 660-682.

Representative presentations

Rush, J., Rast, P., & Hofer, S. M. (2013, October). Power to detect within- and between-person effects: A comparison of multilevel SEM and unit-weighted scale scores. Poster presented at the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Rush, J., Sparks, C., & Hofer, S. M. (2012, February). Within- and between-person factor structure of positive and negative affect. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Child Development: Developmental Methodology Themed Meeting, Tampa, FL.

 Rush, J., & Grouzet, F.M.E. (2010, May). Modeling and measuring daily satisfaction of psychological needs. Poster presented at the Self-Determination Theory Conference, Gent, Belgium.