
Jessica Rourke

Jessica Rourke
Area of expertise

Individualized Programs

Research interests

I am currently wrapping up my Ph.D. in Social-Personality Psychology. My primary research interests lie in the field of forgiveness, primarily forgiveness-seeking. For my Master's thesis I explored the different motives that perpetrators have for seeking forgiveness, as well as the types of behaviours that they engage in to do this. For my Ph.D. dissertation I have developed and am implementing self-forgiveness workshops in the community.  My other research interests include gratitude, the need for enemies, and restorative justice.  If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Representative publications

Belicki, K., Rourke, J., & McCarthy, M. (2008). Potential Dangers of Empathy 
and Related Conundrums. In, W. Malcom, N. DeCourville, K. Belicki (Eds.), Women’s Reflections on the Complexities of Forgiveness, New York: Routledge Press.

Representative presentations

Rourke J. (August 2010). The Applicability of Enright's Model of Forgiveness: 
A Case Study. Poster Presentation, 118th American Psychological Association Annual Convention (refereed), Sandiego, CA.

Rourke, J., Pozzebon, J. (June 2009). Affective change following relaxation 
therapies: Massage and Yoga. Poster Presentation, 70th Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention (refereed), Montreal, Quebec.

Rourke, J., & Gifford, R. (July, 2008). Enemies: Their Purpose in our Lives. 
Poster Presentation, 29th International Congress of Psychology Annual Convention (refereed), Berlin, Germany.

Recent awards

  • 2009 - McCall Brothers Graduate Scholarship in Clinical Psychology
  • 2009 - Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation of Canada Scholarship for Women
  • 2006-2009 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: Canada Graduate Scholarship (Doctoral)