
Simen Hagen

Simen Hagen
Office: COR A191
Area of expertise

Cognition and brain sciences


Dr. Jim Tanaka

Research interests

I am interested in how experience shapes the way we perceive and recognize objects in our environment. My research uses behavioral methods to examine the perceptual strategies supporting perceptual expertise as well as neurophysiological methods (i.e., EEG) to study its underlying neural mechanisms.

Representative publications

Hagen, S., Vuong, Q. C., Scott, L. S., Curran, T., & Tanaka, J. W. (2015). The Role of Spatial Frequency in Expert Object Recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000139

Hagen, S., & Tanaka, J. (2015). Perceptual learning and expertise. In: Hoffman, R. R., Hancock, A. P., Scerbo, M., Szalma, J. L., and Parasuraman R. (Eds). Cambridge Handbook of Applied Perception Research, Cambridge, U.K.

Hagen, S., Vuong, Q. C., Scott, L. S., Curran, T., & Tanaka, J. W. (2014). The role of color In expert object recognition. Journal of vision, 14(9), 9.

Representative presentations

Hagen, S., & Tanaka, J. (2015). Exploring expert object recognition by the means of fast periodic visual stimulation. Journal of vision, 15(12), 617-617. Presented May, 2015 at the annual meeting for the Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.

Hagen, S., Tanaka, J. Exploring expert object recognition by the means of fast periodic visual stimulation. Presented May, 2015 at the Northwest Cognition and Memory (NOWCAM) conference, Bellingham, WA.

Hagen, S., Tanaka, J. Exploring expert object recognition by the means of fast periodic visual stimulation. Presented December, 2014 at the XXIX workshop for the Perceptual Expertise Network, Dallas, TX.

Recent awards

  • Norma Wilson Graduate Scholarship, 番茄社区, 2015.
  • Graduate Award, 番茄社区, 2014 and 2015.