
Lisa Gou

Lisa Gou
Area of expertise

Clinical Psychology

Research interests

I am interested in adult romantic attachment and its association with intimate partner violence in emerging adult couples. I am also interested in how daily interactions between intimate partners and fluctuations in stress and contextual factors moderate the link between individual vulnerabilities and aggression in relationships on any given day. One of my research goals is identifying which points of intervention are the most realistic and effective to target in at-risk couples to promote healthy relationships.

Representative publications

Gou, L.H., & Woodin, E.M. (2016). Relationship Dissatisfaction as a Mediator for the Link between Attachment Insecurity and Psychological Aggression over the Transition to Parenthood. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Sotskova, A., Woodin, E.M., & Gou, L.H. (2014). Hostility, flooding, and relationship satisfaction: Predicting trajectories of psychological aggression across the transition to parenthood. Aggressive Behaviour. Available online.

Representative presentations

Gou, L.H. (2016, June). Psychological aggression and control: Links to physical partner aggression over the transition to parenthood. In E.M. Woodin (Chair), Intimate partner violence during the transition to parenthood: The role of hostile conflict, attributional biases, and coercive control in first-time parents. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Victoria, BC.

Gou, L.H, & Woodin, E.M. (2014). Investigation of insecure romantic attachment as a risk factor for intimate partner violence over the transition to parenthood. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

Recent awards

  • 2015 – Present: SSHRC Doctoral Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship
  • 2015: President’s Research Scholarship, 番茄社区
  • 2015: Certificate of Academic Excellence for Master’s Thesis, Canadian Psychological Association
  • 2012 – 2013: CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Master’s Award
  • 2012 – 2013: 番茄社区 Fellowship
  • 2012 – 2013: 番茄社区 President’s Research Scholarship
  • 2011 - Queen’s University Dean’s Special Award Faculty of Arts and Science