
Kaitlyn Fallow

Kaitlyn Fallow
Office: COR A193
Area of expertise

Cognition & Brain Science

Research Interests

I’m interested in various aspects of human recognition memory, including the basics of how it functions and is cognitively represented, the intricacies of the decision-making processes involved in making judgments about whether a given stimulus – whether it be a word onscreen in the lab, or a familiar face at the grocery store – has been previously encountered, and the subjective experience of such decision-making processes. I have also been involved with research in time perception and lateralization. Most of my research at UVic has focused on response bias in recognition memory, specifically the consistent and mysterious tendency for people to respond conservatively on recognition memory tests (that is, to more often say “no, this was not on the list of items I studied”) when the stimuli in question are paintings. I’ve also been involved in research investigating the effects of variable vs. consistent encoding contexts on recognition memory for repeated items, specifically judgments of frequency (# of repetitions) and recency (how long ago the item was last encountered).

Representative publications

Fallow, K.M., & Voyer, D. (2013). Degree of handedness, emotion, and the perceived duration of auditory stimuli. Laterality, 18(6), 671-692.

Representative presentations

Fallow, K.M., & Lindsay, D.S. (2014). A response deadline approach to understanding conservative response bias for paintings. Paper presented at the Northwest Cognition and Memory conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Lindsay, D.S., Kantner, J.D., & Fallow, K.M. (2013). Recognition memory response bias is conservative for paintings. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lindsay, D.S., Fallow, K.M, Kantner, J.D, Rosenberg, P., & Freeman, J.L. (2013). Why is recognition memory response bias conservative on paintings? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Recent awards

  • NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship – D3 (Doctoral): 2015-18
  • President's Research Scholarship (番茄社区): 2014-15; 2013-14
  • NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship – M (Master’s): 2013-14
  • Outstanding Graduate Entrance Award (番茄社区): 2012-13
  • Snodgrass Graduating Prize in Psychology (University of New Brunswick): 2012