Jordana Wynn
Ph.D. 2020 (University of Toronto) joined Department in 2022
Area of expertise
Cognition and Brain Sciences
Human vision is limited, requiring us to move our eyes several times each second to encode the world around us. What are the consequences of these eye movements for memory? To answer this question, my research uses eyetracking technology to investigate the relationship between visual attention and memory. Specifically, my research explores the role of eye movements in memory formation, retention, and retrieval. I am also interested in how the interaction of these cognitive systems changes with advanced age. To this end, my work uses a variety of memory and visual attention tasks and tests both younger and older adults. More information about my research can be found on my website:
- Memory
- Visual Attention
- Eye Movements
- Cognitive Aging
Representative Publications
Wynn, J.S., Liu, Z.X., & Ryan, J.D. (2021). Neural correlates of subsequent memory-related gaze reinstatement. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. []
Wynn, J.S., Buchsbaum, B.R., & Ryan, J.D. (2021). Encoding and retrieval eye movements mediate age differences in pattern completion. Cognition, 214, 104746.
Wynn, J.S., Amer, T., & Schacter, D.L. (2020). How older adults remember the world depends on how they see it. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(11), 858-861.
Wynn, J.S., Ryan, J.D., & Buchsbaum, B.R. (2020). Eye movements support behavioral pattern completion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(11), 6246-6254.
Wynn, J.S., Shen, K., Ryan, J.D. (2019). Eye movements actively reinstate spatiotemporal mnemonic content. Vision, 3(2), 21.