
Jessica Rourke

Jessica Rourke
Assistant Teaching Professor
Office: COR A277

Ph.D. 2014 (番茄社区); Joined department in 2020

Area of expertise

Teaching Stream, Social Psychology

My focus at UVic is in undergraduate teaching. I often teach introductory psychology, as well as social psychology courses such as interpersonal relationships, psychology of forgiveness, social cognition, psychology and law. I sometimes also teach mental health and wellbeing. My research interests have mostly focused on forgiveness (seeking of forgiveness and self-forgiveness) and restorative justice. I love psychology and am interested in how our knowledge in the field can apply to helping us build better relationships and communities. I am passionate about social justice issues and enjoy supporting students explore their passions and strengths. I enjoy supporting student learning and engagement and am currently the faculty liaison for Psi Chi (Honors Society, UVic Chapter) and PUGS (Psychology Undergraduate Society of UVic). As a teaching professor, I do not supervise graduate students.



  • Teaching of psychology
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Forgiveness
  • Restorative Justice
  • Environmental psychology


Representative Publications

Gifford, R., Scannell, L., Kormos, C., Rourke, J., & McIntyre, A. (in press). Quality of Life as a Function of the Physical and Experienced Neighborhood. Handbook of Quality of Life.

Rourke, J. (in press). Shifting away from exam-focused assessment. In H. Scherschel & D. S. Rudmann (Eds.) Teaching tips: A compendium of conference presentations on teaching, 2021-22. Society for the Teaching of Psychology.

Soicher, R., Beyer, A., Ditta, A., Rourke, J., Rudman, J., Yveka, T., & Richmond, A. (Eds.) (2022). Teaching resources: American Psychological Association’s Introduction to Psychology Initiative guidelines. Teaching in Psychology North West

Rourke, J. (2017). Forgiveness. In V. Zeigler-Hill and T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer.

Rourke, J., Grant-Warmald, S., & Kerr, A. (2016). Strengthening Ties to Better Serve Victims: A Partnership Guide for Police-Based Victims Services and Restorative Justice Organizations in British Columbia. British Columbia, Canada: Ministry of Justice.

Rourke, J., Belicki, K. (2015), How and why do we Seek Forgiveness? Toward the Development of a Questionnaire of Forgiveness-Seeking Motives and Behaviors. Lambert Academic Publishing.