
Holly Tuokko

Holly  Tuokko
Professor Emeritus (retired)
Office: A275

PhD 1983 (Victoria) joined Department in 1997

Area of expertise

Lifespan development, Clinical psychology

Professor Tuokko joined the 番茄社区's Centre on Aging (COAG) and Department of Psychology in 1997. Prior to that time she was the Supervising Psychologist at the University of British Columbia's (UBC) Clinic for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders and a Clinical Associate Professor is the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine at UBC. Between 2009 - 2014 she was the Director of the COAG and between 2002-1007 she held a Senior Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Aging for her research program on mental health and aging. Her current research interests include the evolution of cognitive disorders and the mental health challenges that are experienced by older adults. She is particularly interested in how changes in cognitive and mental health affect aspects of everyday life (e.g., driving, financial management, and end-of-life decision making), and how to best help individuals experiencing these difficulties. Dr. Tuokko played instrumental roles in the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA; ), the Canadian Driving Research Initiative for Vehicular Safety in the Elderly (CanDRIVE; ) and the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CSLA; ).

For more information, see Dr. Tuokko's .


  • Clinical neuropsychology
  • Clinical aging
  • Lifespan development and aging

Faces of UVic Research video

In this video, Holly Tuokko describes her field of study, and offers suggestions to increase driving safety while keeping older drivers on the road for as long as possible.


O’Connell, M E. & Tuokko, H. (2010). Age corrections and dementia classification accuracy. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 25, 126-138.

Ritchie, L.J. & Tuokko, H. (2011). Clinical decision trees for predicting conversion from cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND) to dementia in a longitudinal population-based study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 26, 16-25.

Kowalski, K., Love, J., Tuokko, H., MacDonald, S., Hultsch, D. & Strauss, E. (2011). The influence of cognitive impairment with no dementia on driving restriction and cessation in older adults. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 49, 308-315.

Tuokko, H., Rhodes, R., Love, J., Cloutier-Fisher, D., Jouk, A. & Schoklitsch, A. (2012). Change in beliefs about older drivers through applied theatre. Educational Gerontology, 39, 45-56.

Tuokko, H., Myers, A., Jouk, A., Marshall, S., Man-Son-Hing, M., Porter, M., Bédard, M., Gélinas, I., Korner-Bitensky, N., Mazer, B., Naglie, G., Rapoport, M. & Vrkljan, B. (2013). Associations between age, gender, psychosocial and health characteristics in the Candrive II study cohort. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 61, 267-271.

Kowalski, K., Jeznach, A., & Tuokko, H. A. (2014). Stages of driving behavior change within the Transtheoretical Model (TM). Journal of Safety Research, 50, 17-25.

Tuokko, H., Rhodes, R., Love, J., Jouk, A., Schoklitsch, A. (2015). Just the Facts: Changes in older driver attitudes after exposure to educational interventions. Traffic Injury Prevention,16, 558-564. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2014.992067 (to access visit: )