
Lara Robinson

Lara Robinson
Assistant Teaching Professor (Psychology Clinic Director)

off campus


Ph.D. 1999 (Saskatchewan) joined Department in 2004

Area of expertise

Clinical psychology

Dr. Robinson is a clinical psychologist (CPBC Reg. #1442) whose clinical practice has focused on adult psychotherapy and assessment in the areas of mental health (e.g., anxiety, depression) and health psychology (e.g., adjusting to chronic illness, chronic pain, complicated bereavement). She worked in front line mental health services prior to coming to work at the 番茄社区. Her main therapy orientation is interpersonal, but she is also well-versed in dynamic, cognitive-behavioural and experiential paradigms.

Dr. Robinson’s position as the Director of the Psychology Clinic is a non-research position (Assistant Teaching Professor) that focuses on graduate student's clinical training (clinical supervision and teaching clinical psychology graduate courses), as well as running the Psychology Clinic.


  • Adult clinical/mental health
  • Health psychology
  • Ethics and Professional Standards
  • Clinical Supervision and Training


Mayo, C., Scarapicchia, V., Robinson, L., Gawryluk, J.R. (2018). Ethical Considerations in Neuropsychological Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury. Applied Neuropychology: Adults. Jan 9, 1-9. 

Kaasalainen, S., Stewart, N., Middleton, J., Knezacek, S., Hartley, T., Ife, C., & Robinson, L. (2011). Development and evaluation of the Pain Assessment in the Communicatively Impaired (PACI) tool: part II. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 17(9), 431-438.

Kaasalainen, S., Stewart, N., Middleton, J., Knezacek, S., Hartley, T., Ife, C., & Robinson, L. (2011). Development and evaluation of the Pain Assessment in the Communicatively Impaired (PACI) tool: part I. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 17(8), 387-391.

Weinerman, R., Glossop, V., Wong, R., Robinson, L. White, K., & Kamil, R. (2003). “Time of day influences nonattendance at urgent short-term mental health unit in Victoria, BC” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 48(5), 342-344.

Kaasalainen, S., Middleton, J., Knezacek, S., Hartley, T., Stewart, N., Ife, C., & Robinson, L. (1998). Pain and cognitive status in the institutionalized elderly: Perceptions and interventions. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 24(8), 24-31.

Kaasalainen, S.J., Robinson, L.K., Hartley, T., Middleton, J., Knezacek, S., & Ife, C. (1998). The assessment of pain in the cognitively impaired elderly: A literature review. Perspectives: Journal of the Gerontological Nursing Association, 22(2), 2-8.

Middleton, J.I., Knezacek, S., Robinson, L., Hartley, T., & Kaasalainen, S. (1997). An exploratory study of pain in the institutionalized elderly. The American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 12(4), 159-166.