
Michael Hunter

Michael Hunter
Associate Professor (retired)

Ph.D. 1981 (Simon Fraser) joined Department in 1980

Area of expertise

Lifespan development

My interests focus primarily on the theory of statistical inference and on multivariate statistical methods. More recent content-oriented research has focused on describing and explaining short term intraindividual variability in cognitive processes.


  • Statistics and research design


Takane, Y., & Hunter, M. A. (2001). Constrained principal component analysis: A comprehensive theory. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 12, 391-419.

Hunter, M. A. & Takane, Y. (2002). Constrained principal components analysis: Various applications. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 27, no. 1.

Takane, Y. and Hunter, M. A. (in press). Dimension reduction in hierarchical linear models. In S. Nishisato, Y. Baba, H. Bozdogan, & K. Kanefuji (Eds.), Measurement and Multivariate Analysis (pp. 145-154), Tokyo: Springer Verlag.

Woodward, T. S., Hunter, M. A., & Kadlec, H. (in press). The comparative robustness of ordinal regression and least squares regression to departures from interval scaling. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology.

Strauss, E., MacDonald, S.W.S., Hunter, M. A., Moll, A., & Hultsch, D. F. (in press). Intraindividual variability in cognitive performance in three groups of older adults: Cross-domain links to physical status and self-perceived affect and beliefs. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.