
Marion Ehrenberg

Marion Ehrenberg
Associate Professor

off campus


Ph.D. 1991 (Simon Fraser) joined Department in 1990

Area of expertise

Clinical psychology

Dr. Ehrenberg is a clinical psychologist who has studied the influence of family transitions on children and adolescents, and most recently has focused on how such family-of-origin factors might shape young adults' psychological and relationship adjustment.


  • Young adults' psychological and relationship adjustment
  • Best practices in psychological assessment

Representative Publications

Collardeau, F. & Ehrenberg, M.  (2018).  Young women's perceptions of parents' romantic relationships in the context of parental divorce:  A qualitative study.  Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, DOI: .

Collardeau, F. & Ehrenberg, M.  (2016).  Parental divorce and attitudes and feelings toward marriage and divorce in emerging adulthood:  New insights from a multiway-frequency analysis.  Journal of European Psychology Students, 7(1), 24-33.  DOI: 

Ehrenberg, M., Regev, R., & Lazinski, M.  (2014).  Adjustment to divorce for children:  Current research.  (2014).  In L. Grossman & S. Walfish (Eds).  Translating psychological research into practice (pp. 1-4).  New York, NY:  Springer.