
Jhotisha Mugon

Jhotisha Mugon
Assistant Teaching Professor
Office: COR A235

Ph.D. (2020) (University of Waterloo) Joined Department in 2021

Area of expertise

Teaching Stream, Cognition and Brain Sciences, Social Psychology

As a teaching professor, I specialize in teaching Introduction to Psychology, Psychology in Popular Culture and Biopsychology. I am interested in creating inclusive learning environments where students actively participate in learning activities and course content. I am also interested in finding new ways to maintain student engagement within lectures and to keep boredom at bay.

My research background is in cognitive neuroscience – more specifically, in the mechanism by which boredom can act as a self-regulatory signal to us. I am always happy to chat about boredom, self-regulation, classroom engagement strategies and learning in general. Due to my work being teaching focused, I do not supervise graduate students.


  • Self-regulation, Emotions, Cognitive Neuroscience, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Teaching of Psychology

Representative publications

Mugon, J., Boylan, J., & Danckert, J. (2020). Boredom Proneness and Self-Control as Unique Risk Factors in Achievement Settings. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 9116.

Struk, A., Mugon, J., Huston, A., Scholer, A., Stadler, G., Higgins, T., Sokolowski, M., Danckert, J (2019). Self-regulation and the foraging gene (PRKG1) in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116(10), 4434-4439

Mugon, J., Struk, A., Danckert, J. (2018). A failure to launch: Exploring the self-regulatory profile of boredom. Frontiers Psychology, 9, 1126

Mugon, J., Danckert, J., Eastwood, J. (2018). The costs and benefits of boredom in the classroom. In Cambridge Handbook on Motivation and Learning. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University press

Danckert, J., Mugon, J., Struk, A., & Eastwood. (2018). Boredom – what is it good for? In H. Lench (Ed). Functions of Emotion, Springer.