
Maria Iankilevitch

Maria Iankilevitch
Assistant Teaching Professor
Office: COR A250

Ph.D. 2020 (University of Toronto) Joined Department in 2021

Area of expertise

Teaching Stream, Social Psychology

My primary focus is on undergraduate teaching in the areas of statistics, research methods, and social psychology. I am mainly interested in improving students’ educational experiences by considering the classroom environment, interpersonal interactions, course content and activities, and course assessments. I am also interested in understanding how members of different social groups relate to each other and, in particular, how stereotypes and prejudices may affect intergroup relations. As a teaching professor, I do not supervise graduate students.


  • Teaching of Psychology
  • Statistics
  • Psychology of Intergroup Relations
  • Psychology of Relationships

Representative publications

Iankilevitch, M. (forthcoming). Intergroup Relations course: Making the move from in-person to online. In J. Cerniak, M. Wong, & L. Rosen (Eds.), Teaching Psychology Online. To appear on the Society for the Teaching of Psychology website: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/

Iankilevitch, M. (2020). Diversity/global learning: Intergroup conflict analysis and interventions assignment. In A. Schwartz & R. L. Miller (Eds.), High impact educational practices: A review of best practices with illustrative examples. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology website: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/

Iankilevitch, M., Cary, L. A., Remedios, J. D., & Chasteen, A. L. (2020). How do multiracial and monoracial people categorize multiracial faces? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(5), 688-696. https://doi.org/10.1177/1948550619884563 

Chasteen, A. L., Iankilevitch, M., Schiralli, J., & Bergstrom, V. (2018). Critical role of social-cognitive age representations. In B. Knight (Ed), Oxford Encyclopedia of Psychology and Aging. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Chasteen, A. L., Cary, L. A., & Iankilevitch, M. (2017). Age stereotyping and discrimination. In N. Pachana (Ed), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology (pp. 96-104). Singapore: Springer.