
Kelci Harris

Kelci Harris
Assistant Professor
Office: COR A275

Ph.D., 2017, Washington University in St. Louis Joined Department in: 2019

Area of expertise

Social Psychology

My research centers around friendship. After adolescence, friendship is largely understudied even though it remains an important contributor to well-being throughout life. All of my work is driven by some combination of three research questions:  How do our friendships affect us? How do we affect our friendships? What do friendships look like? To answer these questions, I collect rich, multi-method, data sets and foster collaborations. Friendships are as fascinating as they are complicated. I utilize a variety of methods and statistical techniques, such as experience sampling with multilevel modelling and years-long longitudinal surveys with latent growth curve modeling, to try and address their complexity.



  • Friendship
  • Personality Psychology
  • Intergroup Relations


Representative Publications

Harris, K., Harms, P. English, T, Gross, J. & Jackson, J. (2017) Why are extraverts more satisfied? Personality, Social experiences, and satisfaction in college. European Journal of Personality.

Harris, K. & Vazire, S. (2016) On friendship development and the Big Five. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.