
Aikaterini Tavri

Aikaterini Tavri
PhD student (Randy Scharien)
Microwave remote sensing of Arctic Sea ice; radar polarimetry for sea ice melt detection
Office: DTB A247

MSc (TUM, Germany)


  • Tavri, R. K. Scharien and T. Geldsetzer (2021), Arctic sea ice type separability in advanced melt season using compact polarimetric and fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data, in manuscript
  • K. Scharien, T. Geldsetzer, J. Mead, V. Nandan, M. Mahmud and A. Tavri (2021), Surface-based and Fully Polarimetric L-band Frequency Scatterometer System for Field Measurements of Sea Ice, 2021 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM), pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/ANTEM51107.2021.9518497.
  • Scharien, R.K, Geldsetzer, T., Nasonova, S., Cafarella, S., Tavri, A, (2018), Assessment of Seasonal Sea Ice Type and Roughness Regime Discrimination Using a Unique C- and L-Band SAR Database“. IGARSS
  • Martinis, S., Brcic, R., Plank, S., Manuel, Tavri, A., Rodriguez, G. F. (2017), The use of the Sentinel-1 InSAR Browse service on ESA’s Geohazards Exploitation Platform for improved disaster monitoring. Fringe 2017
  • Tavri, A., Singha, S, Lehner, S., Topouzelis, K. (2016), Observation of sub-mesoscale eddies over Baltic Sea using TerraSAR-X and Oceanographic data, ESA Living Planet Symposium
  • Tavri, A., Topouzelis, K., Tragou, E. (2014), Spiral eddies on the Aegean Sea derived by satellite radar data, Second International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment


  • Society of Naval Architects and Marine engineers (SNAME) John W.Davies memorial award (2020)
  • Gill Sherwin Teaching excellence award (2020)
  • IEEE Inspire women in Geoscience photo contest award - 1st place (2020)