
Sharon Dias

Sharon Dias
PhD student (Reuben Rose-Redwood)
Urban geography; community-based research; housing insecurity; housing rights; financialization; Global South; Latin America; geographies of Covid-19

MSc (Cear谩 State Univ.)


  • Rose-Redwood, R., Barnd, N.B., Lucchesi, A.H., Dias, S., and Patrick, W., eds. (2020). Special Issue on “Decolonizing the Map,” Cartographica 55(3): 151-216.
  • Dias, Sharon. (2021) Habitar a Metrópole: do espaço concebido à produção do cotidiano em Fortaleza, Brasil. [Living the Metropolis: from a conceived space to the everyday life in Fortaleza City, Brazil]. Max Limonad Press, São Paulo. In the press. Open access, e-book. 
  • Dias, S. (2018).  Profitable urbanization and housing struggle in Brazil: from the financialization to the (re) production of large housing projects, newer and older patterns. Journal ParaOnde!?, Special Issue. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
  • Dias, S. (2014) Favelas and the Right to the City in Fortaleza - Ceara. Geouece, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2014.


  • Dias, S. (2019). Financialization of Low-Income Householders’ Daily Life: A Contribution to The Critical Debate. 6th Fingeo Global Seminar – Geography, Finance and Uneven Development. São Paulo, Brazil. 
  • Dias, S. (2018). Space, and Production of Space: Politics of Space Behind Social Housing in Brazil, and the seeking for the right to the city. 2018 IGU Regional Conference - CAG Annual Meeting - NCGE Annual Conference. Quebec City – Canada. 


  • 2021 - International Development Research Center (IDRC) Canada, doctoral research award
  • 2020 - UVic graduate award
  • 2019 - Uvic Special Dean Bursary
  • 2018 - 番茄社区 Fellowship
  • 2016 - Higher Education Improvement Coordination (CAPES) doctoral scholarship