
Training materials

Dr. Brian Thom of UVic Anthropology’s Ethnographic Mapping Lab working with students from the Itelmen village of Kovran (Kamchatka, Russia) using Google Earth to document indigenous place names and land use.

Dr. Brian Thom of UVic Anthropology’s Ethnographic Mapping Lab working with students from the Itelmen village of Kovran (Kamchatka, Russia) using Google Earth to document indigenous place names and land use.

UVic anthropology students learning field methods of ethnographic mapping in Indigenous cartographies.

Youth-engaged research workshop led by Dr. Brian Thom at the Jane Goodall Research institute in 2019

One mission integral to UVic Anthropology’s Ethnographic Mapping Lab is to put training materials in the hands of community and professional practitioners, and participate in community outreach to mobilize the skills to undertake high quality ethnographic mapping projects.  We are currently developing a number of materials, including training manuals, interview guides and best-practices documents.  These will be hosted on this page.

Training manual coming soon!

Training slides:


These training slides are provided for use in training for doing mapping projects using Google Earth (and related tools) with Indigenous communities.  Feel free to use, download and adapt these slides for your own training workshop.  Also, watch the Ethnographic Mapping Lab website announcement page for workshops and other opportunities to learn these techniques.