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Recent master鈥檚 theses & extended essays

These recent theses and extended essays have been successfully defended in our department. Learn about our MA program and meet our current graduate students.



Parsi, Rouzbeh, "Trade Openness and Inflation Dynamics: A panel data
Analysis". Supervisors: Dr. Vasco Gabriel and Dr. Graham Voss.


Dodd, Taylor, "Mitigating Drug Market Externalities: How Effective Are Current Law Enforcement Strategies?" Supervisors: Dr. Chris Auld and Dr. Rob Gillezeau.

Morris, Jeremy, "The Effect of NYSE American’s Latency Delay on Informed Trading". Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Xuekui Zhang.

Mu, Junhong (Gerard), "Inflation Targeting and Policy Horizons." Supervisors: Dr. Graham Voss and Dr. Vasco Gabriel.


Marra, Fabiene, "Historical Wrongs and Socioeconomic Participation: Evidence from Forced-Coexistence and Voter Turnout Rates in Indigenous America." Supervisors: Dr. Donn Feir, Dr. Maggie Jones and Dr. Robert Hancock (anthropology).

McLachlan, Brennan, "Essays in Agricultural Economics: Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and Productivity." Supervisors: Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten and Dr. Peter Kennedy.


Fairley, Kate, "Discrimination in the Market for Short Term Rentals: Evidence from Airbnb." Supervisors: Dr. Maggie Jones, Dr. Donn Feir and Dr. D. Rose.

Hunt, Jacob, "The Effects of Economic and Financial Coursework on Education Attainment and EITC claims in the United States: 1998-2019." Supervisors: Dr. Maggie Jones, Dr. Herbert Schuetze and Dr. A. Craig.


Khan Tanu, Tanvir Ahmed, "Regression Discontinuity Design with Unknown Cutoff: Cutoff Detection and Effect Estimation." Supervisors: Dr. Felix Pretis, Dr. Judith Clarke and Dr. J. Zhou (mathematics and statistics).


Alam, Injamam, "Votes in the Wind: The Dust Bowl and American Elections." Supervisors: Dr. Rob Gillezeau, Dr. Donn Feir and Dr. L. Gange (public administration)

Fisher, Mischa,, "CPU Product Line Lifecycles: Econometric Duration Analysis using Parametric and Non-Parametric Estimators." Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart, Dr. D. Giles and Dr. M. Lesperance (mathematics and statistics).

Hotsko, Nicholas, "The Effect of Deposit Insurance on the Canadian Banking System." Supervisors: Dr. Paul Schure, Dr. Pascal Courty and Dr. S. Snaith (business)

Khan, Ibrahim, "A Time Series Analysis of Price Formation in Power Markets." Supervisors: Dr. Judith Clarke, Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten and Dr. S. Snaith (business)


Joyce, Matthew, "Bivariate Extreme Value Analysis of Commodity Prices." Supervisors: Dr. David Giles, Dr. Judith Clarke and Dr. F. Nathoo (mathematics and statistics).

Extended essays


Forgrave, Jack, "Which Policies Reduce Emissions? Evidence from Agnostically Detected Reductions in State Residential Emissions." Supervisors: Dr. Felix Pretis and Dr. Kenneth Stewart.

Gillis, Matheson, "Investigating the Nexus of Historical Displacement and Contemporary Indigenous Suicide Rates in the USA (1999-2004)." Supervisors: Dr. Colette Salemi and Dr. Donn Feir.

Guo, Xiaoying, "Impact of Product Recalls on Stock Price and the Role of Brand Concepts – A Study in the U.S. Automotive Sector." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Pascal Courty.

He, Youle, "Wildfire Smoke, Labour and First Nations Reserves." Supervisors: Dr. Colette Salemi and Dr. Donn Feir.

Iqbal, Sharfiyet, "Predicting Crop Damages." Supervisors: Dr. Felix Pretis and Dr. Kenneth Stewart.

Janes, Mike, "Examining the Price of Housing on First Nation Land: A CaseStudy from Vancouver IslandPredicting Crop Damages." Supervisors: Dr. Donn Feir and Dr. Martin Farnham.

Jiang, Nan, "The Relationship Between Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Scores and Financial Performance After the 2008 Financial Crisis." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Pascal Courty.

Kapali, Harini, "An OLG Model with Lagged Impact of Emissions on Labour Productivity: Inter-generational Conflict in Tax Preference." Supervisors: Dr. Peter Kennedy and Dr. Emma Hutchinson.

Kia, Seyedeh Kiana, "Price Discovery of Bitcoin in the ETF and Futures Markets." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Kenneth Stewart.

Li, Fuyu, "Heston-Nandi GARCH Parameter Estimation Using
Market Index Data." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Sebastian Ferrando.

Li, Hongyu, "The Impact of the Collapse of FTX on Major Cryptocurrencies: A Cross-Exchange Comparison Study." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Tao Wang.

Li, Xinyi, "Price Discovery of Energy Commodities." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Kenneth Stewart.

Liu, Kehan, "U.S. House Prices and Stock Prices in the Long Run." Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Martin Farnham.

Liu, Zihao, "A FCVAR Analysis of Interest Rate and Price Discovery in the USD-CNH Spot and Forward Markets." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Tao Wang.

Loeppky, Jonathan, "The Impact of Indian Boarding Schools on Tribal Same-Sex Marriage Policies." Supervisors: r. Donn Feir and Dr. Paul Schure.

Martin, Sydney, "Weather Volatility and First Nations Housing." Supervisors: Dr. Donn Feir and Dr. Colette Salemi.

Oraei, Milad, "Estimating the Dynamic Response of Canadian Labour Market Outcomes to the Onset of COVID-19, with a Focus on Migration Status." Supervisors: Dr. Martin Farnham and Dr. Elisabeth Gugl.

Peng, Jayden, "What Are the Effective Policy Interventions That Have Reduced
Deforestation in Cocoa-Producing Countries?" Supervisors: Dr. Felix Pretis and Dr. Sophia Carodenuto.

Qu,Liya, "The Event Ticketing Markets in China." Supervisors: Dr. Pascal Courty and Dr. Linda Welling.

Shaeri, Soheil, "Convergence of U.S. State Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Galton’s Fallacy." Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Emma Hutchinson.

Wang, Zi Pu, "A Right to Work? An Analysis into the Effects of Right-To-Work Laws on Union Financing Between 2000-2019." Supervisors: Dr. Rob Gillezeau and Dr. Colette Salemi.

Zanello, Rebecca, "COVID-19 and Softwood Lumber Price Movements." Supervisors: Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten and Dr. Peter Kennedy.


Afroz, Sadia, "Effect of Climate Change on Crop Productivity: Evidence from Saskatchewan." Supervisors: Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten and Dr. Kenneth Stewart.

Amini, Mohammad Moein, "Gender-Neutral Tenure Clock Stopping Policies and their Differential Impact on Publication Strategies of Junior Faculty." Supervisors: Dr. Elisabeth Gugl and Dr. Martin Farnham.

Binte Farooq, Fabiha, "The Sensitivity of Some Familiar Empirical Examples of Log-Linearity to a Poisson Treatment." Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Chris Auld.

Calladine, Alissa, "First Nations Tobacco Compacts and the Promise of Coordination." Supervisors: Dr. Donn Feir and Dr. David Scoones.

Di, Michael, "COVID-19 Vaccine and Post-Pandemic Recovery: Evidence from Bitcoin Cross-Asset Implied Volatility Spillover." Supervisors: Halim, Md. Abdul, "The Impact of Remittances on Education Outcomes in Developing Countries: A Panel Data Analysis." Supervisors: Dr. Alok Kumar and Dr. Merwan Engineer.

Rahman, Md. Mizanur Rahman, "The Interest Rate and the Environment." Supervisors: Dr. Peter Kennedy and Dr. Emma Hutchinson.

Shi, Yin, "To What Extent Does Wind Replace Fossil Fuels in Power Generation: Evidence from Alberta." Supervisors: Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten and Dr. John Janmaat.

Shoummo, Jidny Rubaiyat, "Theoretical Representation of Generational Conflict in an OLG Model with Instantaneous Effect of Pollution on Worker Productivity." Supervisors: Dr. Peter Kennedy and Dr. Emma Hutchinson.

Watson, Mirali, "Individual and Contextual Determinants of Flu Vaccine Behaviour." Supervisors: Dr. Chris Auld and Dr. Martin Farnham.

Zhang, Bingyu, "Bitcoin and Geopolitical Risk." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Pascal Courty.

Zhang, Xiaojing, "Subjective Well-being and Cultural Participation: Evidence from China." Supervisors: Dr. Pascal Courty and Dr. Merwan Engineer.


Afolabi, Damilola, "The Impact of Health on Inclusive Growth: Evidence From Countries Within the Organization for Economic and Co-operation and Development (OECD)." Supervisors: Dr. Maggie Jones and Dr. Marco Cozzi.

Cai, Huimin, "Share Repurchases During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Financial Crisis." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Pascal Courty.

Dabo, Abdoulaye, "An Assessment of the Output Gap through the Beveridge-Nelson Filter." Supervisors: Dr. Marco Cozzi and Dr. Ke Xu.

Hao, Zijian, "Pre-allocating System: A Potential Cure for Scalping for Profit." Supervisors: Dr. Pascal Courty and Dr. Peter Kennedy.

Islam, Hasibul, "The Impact of Adaptation on the Performance of SPAAR Treaty in an Emissions Mitigation Game." Supervisors: Dr. Peter Kennedy and Dr. Emma Hutchinson.

Jiang, Lei, "The Effect of Electronic Cigarette Taxes on Youth Substance Abuse." Supervisors: Dr. C. Auld and Dr. Martin Farnham.

Liang, Nicholas, "Assessing the Discretization Filter's Approximation of a Stochastic Volatility Model." Supervisors: Dr. Marco Cozzi and Dr. Felix Pretis.

Macmillan, Robert, "The Effect of Pre-Lecture Assignments on Student Achievement: Evidence from a Classroom Experiment." Supervisors: Dr. Paul Schure and Dr. Lijun Zhang.

Rushford, Drake, "The Impact of Registered Indian Status on Education Employment and Mobility." Supervisors: Dr. Maggie Jones and Dr. Rob Gillezeau.

Shakerdargah, Ali, "Is There a Long-Run Relationship Between House Prices and Income?" Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Martin Farnham.

Tolentino, Carlo, "The Income-Distributional Impacts of Canadian Monetary Policy and Commodity-Price Shocks." Supervisors: Dr. Graham Voss and Dr. Judith Clarke.

Trimble, Brooklynn, "A Deadly Substitution: The Impact of E-Cigarette Policy on E-Cigarette Use, Cigarette Use, and Obesity." Supervisors: Dr. Chris Auld and Dr. Martin Farnham.

Wang, Jiayi, "The Long Run Relationship between House and Stock Markets: Evidence from Canada." Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Ke Xu.

Yang, Jitong, "The Impacts of the Oil Price and Policy Uncertainty on Canadian Real Economic Activities: An SVAR Approach." Supervisors: Dr. Judith Clarke and Dr. Ke Xu.

Yu, Mengxia, "The Impact of the U.S.-China Trade War on Sector Performance." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Paul Schure.


Cowan-Douglas, Robert, "Impact of Ownership on Resident Safety and Clinical Outcomes in Subsidized Nursing Homes." Supervisors: Dr. Chris Auld and Dr. Elisabeth Gugl.

Geng, Zijun, "Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Stock Price in Shenzhen A-Share Stock Market." Supervisors: Dr. Pascal Courty and Dr. Ke Xu

Ishtiaq, Ahmed, "Regional Differentiation in Employment Insurance (EI), and Its Potential Impact on Income Inequality." Supervisors: Dr. Donn Feir and Dr. David Scoones.

Li, Xintong, "Softwood Lumber Dispute and Trade Restrictions: Gravity Model." Supervisors: Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten and Dr. Fatemeh Mokhtarzadeh.

Neupane, Naresh, "Effects of Speed Bump on NYSE American." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Pascal Courty.

Wang, Han, "The Quantity Theory of Money and the Specification of Long-run Money Demand." Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Felix Pretis.

Yan, Meng, "The Trade Friction and Price Discovery in the USD-CAD Spot and Forward Markets." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Kenneth Stewart.

Yang, Yiying, "Foreign Direct Investment, GDP and unemployment: An APEC Study." Supervisors: Dr. Felix Pretis and Dr. Kenneth Stewart.

Zhang, Tianyang, "An Alberta-British Columbia Electricity Grid Model." Supervisors: Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten and Dr. Fatemeh Mokhtarzadeh.


Cao, Zeyang, "Price Discovery and Forecasting Performance from the Fractionally Cointegrated VAR Model: Evidence from the Canadian Commodity Markets." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Kenneth Stewart.

Gao, Ang, "Do Simple Technical Trading Rules Help Predict Chinese Stock Prices?" Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Ke Xu.

Goulet Larocque, David, "Co-agglomeration of Industries in Victoria." Supervisors: Dr. Judith Clarke and Dr. Ke Xu.

Harms, Jeremy, "Efficiency and the Vancouver Log Market: A Systems Approach." Supervisors: Dr. Judith Clarke and Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten.

Ji, Yue, "The Effect of Immigration on Native-Born Self-Employment in Canada." Supervisors: Dr. Herbert Schuetze and Dr. Martin Farnham.

Jo, Jang-Hyun Tony, "Revisiting Dynamic Integrated Model of Climate and the Economy (DICE): Sensitivity of the Social Cost of Carbon to the Equilibrium Climate Parameter and Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage." Supervisors: Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten and Dr. Alok Kumar.

Luo, Yining, "The Effect of Women's Schooling on Fertility." Supervisors: Dr. Judith Clarke and Dr. Marco Cozzi.

Lynch, Rachel, "The Impact of Primary Education on Fertility Outcomes: Evidence from Nigeria." Supervisors: Dr. Nilanjana Roy and Dr. Linda Welling.

Rong, Rayne, "The Impact of Being Featured in the Apple App Store on Revenue: A VAR Analysis of a Freemium Game App." Supervisors: Dr. Pascal Courty and Dr. Felix Pretis.

Shih, Arielle, "The FIFA World Cup Effect on the Canadian Stock Market." Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Paul Schure.

Wang, Dalin, "The Impact of Monetary Variables on Canadian Stock Returns." Supervisors: Dr. Ke Xu and Dr. Merwan Engineer.

Weary, Mathieu, "The Sectoral Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: A Canadian Perspective." Supervisors: Dr. Judith Clarke and Dr. Felix Pretis.

Xu, Renwei, "Estimating Count Models to Model Cigarette Smoking Behavior." Supervisors: Dr. Judith Clarke and Dr. Ke Xu.

Zhu, Jiang, "New House Prices in Canada: Are They Dominated by Land or Construction Cost?" Supervisors: Dr. Kenneth Stewart and Dr. Martin Farnham.