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Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten

Photo of Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten

Professor Emeritus


Office: BEC 330
PhD (Oregon State)
Area of expertise:
Climate Economics


G. Cornelis van Kooten is Professor Emeritus and former Canada Research Chair at the 番茄社区. He received a PhD in agricultural and resource economics from Oregon State University in 1982.


  •  Agricultural and Resource Economics


  •  ECON 403: Agricultural Economics and Policy

Selected Publications


  • Schmitz, A., C. Moss, T.G. Schmitz, G.C. van Kooten and H.C. Schmitz, 2022. Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness and Rent Seeking Behavior. 3rd edition. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2021. Applied Welfare Economics, Trade and Agricultural Policy Analysis. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. 
  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis and Linda Voss (editors), 2021. International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples. Wallingford, UK: .
  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2021. Applied Welfare Economics, Trade and Agricultural Policy Analysis. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. (In preparation)
  • Schmitz, A., C. Moss, T.G. Schmitz,C. van Kooten and H.C. Schmitz, 2021. Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness and Rent Seeking Behavior. 3rd edition. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • van Kooten, G Cornelis, 2013. Climate Change, Climate Science and Economics: Prospects for an Alternative Energy Future. Dordrecht, NL: Springer (466pp.).
  • van Kooten, GC and H Folmer, 2004. Land and Forest Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
  • Wang, S and GC van Kooten, 2001. Forestry and the New Institutional Economics. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
  • van Kooten, GC and EH Bulte, 2000. The Economics of Nature: Managing Biological Assets. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
  • van Kooten, GC, EH Bulte and AER Sinclair (editors), 2000. Conserving Nature’s Diversity: Insights from Biology, Ethics and Economics. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
  • van Kooten, GC, 1993. Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development: Economic Policies and the Common Good. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Book Chapters

  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2024. How Economic Thinking Can Help Tackle Climate Change. Chapter 15 in Climate and Energy Policy: The Case for Realism (pp.339-360) edited by C.E. Beisner and David Legates. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing.

  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2024. Climate Change and the Economics of an Energy Transition. Chapter 14 in Climate and Energy Policy: The Case for Realism (pp.315-337) edited by C.E. Beisner and David Legates. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing.

  • Knodt, Michèle, Julia Jänisch and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2022. European Green Deal and Energy Security. Chapter 17 in European Union, Governance and Policy Making: A Canadian Perspective 2nd Edition edited by E. Brunet-Jailly, A. Hurrelmann and A. Verdun.  Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2021. Discussion. Chapter 9 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.

  • Li, Xintong, Fatemeh Mokhtarzadeh and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2021. Softwood Lumber Trade and Trade Restrictions: Gravity Model. Chapter 7 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.

  • Mokhtarzadeh, Fatemeh and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2021. Economic Analysis of a Softwood Lumber Quota Regime and a Policy to subsidize Biomass Generation of Electricity. Chapter 5 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.

  • Johnston, Craig M.T., Brad Stennes and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2021. Modeling Bilateral Forest Products Trade. Chapter 4 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.

  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis and Craig M.T. Johnston, 2021. Spatial Price Equilibrium Trade Modelling: Theory. Chapter 3 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.

  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, Harry Nelson and Fatemeh Mokhtarzadeh, 2021. Canada – U.S. Softwood Lumber Dispute: Background. Chapter 2 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.

  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2021. Introduction. Chapter 1 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples, edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI. (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International)
  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, Harry Nelson and Fatemeh Mokhtarzadeh, 2021. Canada – U.S. Softwood Lumber Dispute: Background. Chapter 2 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples, edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.
  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis and Craig M.T. Johnston, 2021. Spatial Price Equilibrium Trade Modelling: Theory. Chapter 3 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples, edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.
  • Johnston, Craig M.T., Brad Stennes and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2021. Modeling Bilateral Forest Products Trade. Chapter 4 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples, edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.
  • Mokhtarzadeh, Fatemeh and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2021. Economic Analysis of a Softwood Lumber Quota Regime and a Policy to subsidize Biomass Generation of Electricity. Chapter 5 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples, edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.
  • Li, Xintong, Fatemeh Mokhtarzadeh and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2021. Softwood Lumber Trade and Trade Restrictions: Gravity Model. Chapter 7 in International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples, edited by G. Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Voss. Wallingford, UK: CABI.
  • Kennedy, P.L., A. Schmitz and van Kooten, G.C., 2018. Food Security and Food Storage, Chapter 180 in Ferranti, P., E. Berry and A. Jock (eds.) Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability, Elsevier. ISBN 9780081005965,
  • van Kooten, G.C., D. Orden and A. Schmitz, 2018. Use of Subsidies and Taxes and the Reform of Agricultural Policy. In Handbook of Agricultural Economics, edited by Gail Cramer, Krishna Paudel and Andrew Schmitz. Oxford, UK: Routledge. (In press)
  • van Kooten, G.C. and R. Wortzman, 2017. European Energy Policy. Chapter 12 in European Union, Governance and Policy Making: A Canadian Perspective, edited by E. Brunet-Jailly, A. Hurrelmann and A. Verdun. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • Wang, S., T.N. Bogle and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Forestry and the New Institutional Economics. Chapter 30 (pp.461-473) in Handbook of Forest Resource Economics, edited by Shashi Kant and Janaki Alavalapati. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
  • van Kooten, G.C., C. Johnston and Z. Xu, 2014. Economics of Forest Carbon Sequestration. Chapter 16 (pp. 243-257) in Handbook of Forest Resource Economics edited by Shashi Kant and Janaki Alavalapati. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
  • van Kooten, G Cornelis, 2013. Economic Analysis of Feed-in Tariffs for Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources. Chapter 9 in Handbook on Energy and Climate Change (pp.224-253), edited by R. Fouquet. Cheltenham, UK, & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
  • van Kooten, G.C. and F.P. de Vries, 2013. Carbon Offsets, pp 6-8 in Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Volume 1, edited by J. Shogren. Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier.
  • van Kooten, G.C., 2012. Wind Energy Policy. Chapter 2.17 in Comprehensive Renewable Energy, edited by A. Sayigh. Vol 2, pp.541-568. Oxford, GB: Elsevier.
  • Cotteleer, G., T. Stobbe & C. van Kooten, "Farmland Conservation in The Netherlands and Canada: A Comparative Analysis Using GIS-based Hedonic Pricing Models", in F. Brouwer & M. van der Heide (eds.), Multifunctional Rural Land Management: Economics and Policies (EarthScan, Oxford, 2009).

Articles in Refereed Journals


  • McLachlan, Brennan, G. Cornelis van Kooten and Zehan Zheng, 2020. Country-level Climate-crop Yield Relationships and the Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security, SN Applied Science doi: 10.1007/s42452-020-03432-4.
  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2020. How Effective are Forests in Mitigating Climate Change? Forest Policy & Economics 120 (November): 102295.
  • Duan, J., G.C. van Kooten and X. Liu, 2020. Renewable Electricity Grids, Battery Storage and Missing Money, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161: 105001.
  • van Kooten, G.C., 2020. Reforming Canada’s Dairy Sector: USMCA and the Issue of Compensation, Applied Economics and Policy Perspectives 42(3): 542-558. 
  • Liu, X., J. Duan and G.C. van Kooten, 2020. Calibration of Agricultural Risk Programming Models Using Positive Mathematical Programming, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 64:795-817. 
  • Gallant, Kirsten, Patrick Withey, Dave Risk, G. Cornelis van Kooten and Lynsay Spafford, 2020. Measurement and Economic Valuation of Carbon Sequestration in Nova Scotian Wetlands, Ecological Economics 171: 106619. 
  • Siebel-McKenna, A., C.M.T. Johnston and G.C. van Kooten, 2020. Knock on Wood: The Effects of Suboptimal Decision-making on Forest Carbon Sequestration in the Presence of Uncertainty in Wildfire Risk, Spatial Economic Analysis 15(3): 299–310. 
  • Gebreegziabher, Z. and G.C. van Kooten, 2020. Commodity Storage, Post-Harvest Losses, and Food Security: Evidence from Ethiopia, Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 18(1).
  • Kennedy, P.L., A. Schmitz and G.C. van Kooten, 2020. The Role of Storage and Trade in Food Security, Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 18(1).
  • Siebel-McKenna, A., C.M.T. Johnston and G.C. van Kooten, 2020. Knock on Wood: The Effects of Suboptimal Decision-making on Forest Carbon Sequestration in the Presence of Uncertainty in Wildfire Risk, Spatial Economic Analysis.
  • van Kooten, G.C., A. Schmitz and P.L. Kennedy, 2020. Is Commodity Storage an Option for Enhancing Food Security in Developing Countries? Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 18(1): Online Nov 5, 2019.
  • van Kooten, G.C., P. Withey and J. Duan, 2020. How big a Battery? Renewable Energy 146: 196-204.  


  • Eiswerth, M.E. and G.C. van Kooten, 2019. Maximizing Returns from Payments for Ecosystem Services: Incorporating Externality Effects of Land Management, Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55(5): 1335-1348.
  • Jongeneel, R., M. van Asseldonk, C. van Kooten and J. Cordier, 2019. "Agricultural Risk Management in the European Union: A Proposal to Change Agriculture Support and Stabilization Programs," EuroChoices 18(2): 40-46.
  • van Asseldonk, M., R. Jongeneel, G.C. van Kooten and J. Cordier, 2019. Agricultural Risk Management in the European Union: A Proposal to Facilitate Precautionary Saving, EuroChoices 18(2): 40-46. DOI: 10.1111/1746-692X.12230.
  • van Kooten, G.C., 2019. "Reforming Canada’s Dairy Sector: USMCA and the Issue of Compensation," Applied Economics and Policy Perspectives.
  • van Kooten, G.C., C.M.T. Johnston and F. Mokhtarzadeh, 2019. Carbon Uptake and Forest Management under Uncertainty: Why Natural Disturbance Matters. Journal of Forest Economics, 34(1-2): 159-185. 
  • van Kooten, G.C.and  Mokhtarzadeh, 2019. "Optimal Investment in Electric Generating Capacity under Climate Policy," Journal of Environmental Management, 232: 66-72.
  • van Kooten, G.C., M. Nijnik, and K. Bradford, 2019. "Can Carbon Accounting Promote Economic Development in Forest-Dependent, Indigenous Communities?" Forest Policy and Economics100: 68-74.


  • Liu, X. Sheri, Jon Duan and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2017. The Impact of Changes in the AgriStability Program on Crop Activities: A Farm Modeling Approach, Agribusiness: An International Journal.
  • van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2018. The Challenge of Mitigating Climate Change through Forestry Activities: What Are the Rules of the Game? Ecological Economics 146: 35-43.


  • Gebreegziabher, Z., G.C. van Kooten and D. van Soest, 2017. Technological Innovation and Dispersion: Environmental Benefits and the Adoption of Improved Biomass Cookstoves in Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia, Energy Economics Online 07 September 2017.
  • van Kooten, G.C., 2017. Forest Carbon Offsets and Carbon Emissions Trading: Problems of Contracting, Forest Policy and Economics 75:83-88.
  • van Kooten, G.C., 2017. California Dreaming: The Economics of Renewable Energy, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 65(1):19-41.
  • Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2017. Impact of Inefficient Quota Allocation under the Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Dispute: A Calibrated Mixed Complementarity Approach, Forest Policy and Economics 74: 71-80.


  • van Kooten, G.C., J. Duan and R. Lynch, 2016. Is There a Future for Nuclear Power? Wind and Emission Reduction Targets in Fossil-Fuel Alberta, PLoS ONE 11(11): e0165822.
  • van Kooten, G.C., 2016. The Economics of Wind Power, Annual Review of Resource Economics 8(1): 181-205.
  • van Kooten, G.C. and C.M.T. Johnston, 2016. The Economics of Forest Carbon Offsets, Annual Review of Resource Economics 8(1):227-246.
  • Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2016. Global Trade Impacts of Increasing Europe's Bioenergy Demand, Journal of Forest Economics 23:27-44.
  • van Kooten, G.C., 2016. Re-considering Long-Term Athlete Development on Coach Education: An Illustration from Judo, International Sport Coaching Journal 3(1):83-89.


  • Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Back to the Past: Burning Wood to Save the Globe, Ecological Economics 120 (December): 185-193.
  • Gebreegziabher, Z. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Single versus Multiple Objective(s) Decision Making: An Application to Subsistence Farms in Northern Ethiopia, Ethiopian Journal of Economics 24(2):129-155.
  • Sun, B. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Financial Weather Derivatives for Corn Production in Northern China: A Comparison of Pricing Methods, Journal of Empirical Finance 32:201-209.
  • Johnston, Craig and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2015. Economics of Co-firing Coal and Biomass: An Application to Western Canada, Energy Economics 48:7-17.
  • Eagle, A., D. Eagle, T. Stobbe, and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Farmland Protection and Agricultural Land Values at the Urban-Rural Fringe: British Columbia's Agricultural Land Reserve in British Columbia, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97(1): 282-298.
  • van Kooten, G.C., T. Bogle and F. de Vries, 2015. Forest Carbon Offsets Revisited: Shedding Light on Darkwoods, Forest Science 61(2): 370-380.
  • Bogle, T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Protecting Timber Supply on Public Land in Response to Catastrophic Natural Disturbance: A Principal-Agent Problem, Forest Science 61(1): 83-92.


  • van Kooten, G.C., 2014. The Benefits of Impeding Free Trade: Revisiting British Columbia’s Restrictions on Log Exports, Journal of Forest Economics 20(4): 333-347.
  • Johnston, C. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Economic Consequences of Increased Bioenergy Demand, The Forestry Chronicle 90(5): 636-642.
  • Xu, Z. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. The El Niño Southern Oscillation Index and Wildfire Prediction in British Columbia, The Forestry Chronicle 90(5): 592-598.
  • Sun, B., C. Guo and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Hedging Weather Risk for Corn Production in Northeastern China: Efficiency of Weather Derivatives, Agricultural Finance Review 74(4): 555-572.
  • Withey, P. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Wetlands Retention and Optimal Management of Waterfowl Habitat under Climate Change, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 39(1): 1-18.
  • van Kooten, G.C. and C. Johnston, 2014. Global Impacts of Russian Log Export Restrictions and the Canada-U.S. Lumber Dispute: Modeling Trade in Logs and Lumber, Forest Policy and Economics 39(Feb): 54-66.
  • Sun, B. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Weather Effects on Maize Yields in Northern China, Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge) 152(4): 523-533.


  • Timilsina, Govinda R., Patrick A. Narbel and G Cornelis van Kooten, 2013. Global Wind Power Development: Economics and Policies, Energy Policy 61: 642-652.
  • Sopinka, Amy, G Cornelis van Kooten and Linda Wong, 2013. Reconciling Self-sufficiency and Renewable Energy Targets in a Hydro Dominated System: The View from British Columbia. Energy Policy 61: 223-229.
  • Gebreegziabher, Z. and G.C. van Kooten, 2013. Does Community and Household Tree Planting Imply Increased Use of Wood for Fuel? Evidence from Ethiopia, Forest Policy & Economics 34: 30-40.
  • Withey, P. and G.C. van Kooten, 2013. The Effect of Climate Change on Wetlands and Waterfowl in Western Canada: Incorporating Cropping Decisions into a Bioeconomic Model, Natural Resource Modeling 26(3 August): 305-330.
  • van Kooten, G.C., C. Johnston and L. Wong, 2013. Wind versus Nuclear Options for Generating Electricity in a Carbon-Constrained World: Strategizing in an Energy-Rich Economy, American J of Agricultural Economics 95(2): 505-511. Reproduced in open-access AJAE virtual issue on Energy: http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/ajae/virtualissue_energy.html
  • Bogle, T.N. and G.C. van Kooten, 2013. Options for Maintaining Forest Productivity after Natural Disturbance: A Principal-Agent Approach, Forest Policy & Economics 26(January): 138-144.


  • Bogle, T. and C. van Kooten, 2012. Why Mountain Pine Beetle Exacerbates a Principal-agent Relationship: Exploring Strategic Policy Responses to Beetle Attack in a Mixed Species Forest, Canadian Journal of Forest Research42(3): 621-630.
  • Cotteleer, G. and C. van Kooten, 2012. Expert Opinion versus Actual Transaction Evidence in the Valuation of Non-market Amenities, Economic Modelling29(1): 32-40.
  • McWilliam, M.K., C. van Kootenand C. Crawford, 2012. A Method for Optimizing the Location of Wind Farms, Renewable Energy 48: 287-299.
  • Niquidet, K., B. Stennes and C. van Kooten, 2012. Bio-energy from Mountain Pine Beetle Timber and Forest Residuals: The Economics Story, Canadian J of Agricultural Economics60(2): 195-210.
  • Scorah, H., A. Sopinka and C. van Kooten, 2012. The Economics of Storage, Transmission and Drought: Integrating Variable Wind Power into Spatially Separated Electricity Grids. Energy Economics34(2): 536-541.
  • Wong, L., C. van Kootenand J.A. Clarke, 2012. The Impact of Agriculture on Waterfowl Abundance: Evidence from Panel Data. J of Agricultural and Resource Economics 37(2): 321-334.


  • Abbott, B. & C. van Kooten, "Can Domestication of Wildlife Lead to Conservation? The Economics of Tiger Farming in China", Ecological Economics, 2011, 70(4): 721-728.
  • Boxall, P. and C. van Kooten, 2011. Protecting and Restoring Wetlands: The Way Forward, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics59: 165-166.
  • Cotteleer, G., T. Stobbe and  C. van Kooten, "Bayesian Model Averaging in the Context of Spatial Hedonic Pricing: An Application to Farmland Values", Journal of Regional Science, 2011, 51(3): 540-557.
  • Cotteleer, G. & C. van Kooten, "Expert Opinion versus Actual Transaction Evidence in the Valuation of Non-market Amenities", Economic Modelling,2011, to appear.
  • Eiswerth, M.E., S. Yen and C. van Kooten, 2011. Factors Determining Awareness and Knowledge of Aquatic Invasive Species, Ecological Economics70(9): 1672–1679.
  • Pendergast, S.M.,  A. Clarkeand G.C. van Kooten, "Corruption, Development and the Curse of Natural Resources", Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2011, 44(2): 411-437.
  • van Kooten, G.C., P. Withey and L. Wong, "Bioeconomic Modelling of Wetlands and Waterfowl in Western Canada: Accounting for Amenity Values", Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2011, 59(2): 167-183.
  • Withey, P. and C. van Kooten, "The Effect of Climate Change on Optimal Wetlands and Waterfowl Management in Western Canada", Ecological Economics, 2011, 70(4): 798-805.


  • Boronowski, S., A. Rowe, P. Wild & C. van Kooten, "Integration of Wave Power in Haida Gwaii", Renewable Energy, 2010, 35(11): 2415-2421.
  • Eiswerth, M.E. and C. van Kooten, "Balancing Bio-energy Cropping Benefits and Water Quality Impacts: A Dynamic Optimization Approach", Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010, 58(4): 463-480.
  • Monahan, K. and C. van Kooten, "The Economics of Tidal Stream and Wind Power: An Application to Generating Mixes in Canada", Environmental Economics, 2010, 1(1): 92-101.
  • Nolan, J.N., E.G. Smith, C. van Kootenand J.R. Wilson, "What Constitutes Prior Publication? An Editorial Opinion", Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010, 58(1): 1-3.
  • Stennes, B., K. Niquidet and C. van Kooten, "Implications of Expanding Bioenergy Production from Wood in British Columbia: An Application of a Regional Wood Fibre Allocation Model", Forest Science, 2010, 56(4): 366-378.
  • Stobbe, T., A. Eagle and C. van Kooten, "Niche and Direct Marketing in the Rural-Urban Fringe: A Study of the Agricultural Economy in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley", BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly, 2010, 167: 105-132.
  • Sun, L., B. Bogdanski, B. Stennes & C. van Kooten, "Impacts of Tariff and Non-tariff Trade Barriers on Global Forest Products Trade: An Application of the Global Forest Products Model", International Forestry Review, 2010, 12(1 March): 49-65.
  • van Kooten, G.C.and L. Wong, "Economics of Wind Power when National Grids are Unreliable", Energy Policy, 2010, 38(4): 1991-1998.


  • Eiswerth, M. and C. van Kooten, "The Ghost of Extinction: Preservation Values and Minimum Viable Population in Wildlife Models", Ecological Economics, 2009, 68(7): 2129-2136. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2009.02.009
  • Nolan, J., D. Parker, C. van Kooten& T. Berger, "An Overview of Computational Modeling in Agricultural and Resource Economics", Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2009, 57(4): 417-429.
  • Prescott, R. & C. van Kooten, "The Economics of Wind Power: Destabilizing an Electricity Grid with Renewable Power", Climate Policy, 2009, 9(2): 155-168.
  • Sun, L. & C. van Kooten, "Fuzzy Logic and Preference Uncertainty in Non-market Valuation", Environmental & Resource Economics, 2009, 42(April): 471-489.
  • Sun, L., C. van Kooten, & G.M. Voss, "What Accounts for the Divergence between Ranchers' WTA and WTP for Public Forage?", Forest Policy & Economics,2009, 11(4): 271-279.
  • Stobbe, T., G. Cotteleer & C. van Kooten, "Hobby Farms and the Protection of Farmland in British Columbia", Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 2009, 32(3): 393-413.
  • van Kooten, G.C., "Biological Carbon Sequestration and Carbon Trading Re-visited", Climatic Change, 2009, 95(3-4):449-463.
  • van Kooten, G.C., "Biological Carbon Sinks: Transaction Costs and Governance", The Forestry Chronicle, 2009, 85(3):372-376.
  • van Kooten, G.C., "Wind Power: The Economic Impact of Intermittency", Letters in Spatial & Resource Sciences, 2009, 3:1-17.
  • van Kooten, G.C., S. Laaksonen-Craig & Y. Wang, "A Meta-Regression Analysis of Forest Carbon Offset Costs", Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2009, 39(11): 2153-2167.

Other Publications

  • van Kooten, G.C., 2017. Case study 7: What could EU Policymakers Learn from Agricultural Risk Management Policy in the United States? Annex 7 in Study on Risk Management in EU Agriculture. October. 49pp. Brussels: European Commission. 
  • van Kooten, G.C., 2017. Case Study 8: What could EU Policymakers Learn from Agricultural Risk Management Institutions Available in Canada? Annex 8 in Study on Risk Management in EU Agriculture. October. 38pp. Brussels: European Commission. 
  • Abbas, D. et al. (incl. van Kooten, G.C.), 2016. Forestry for a Low-carbon Future Integrating Forests and Wood Products in Climate Change Strategies. FAO Forestry Paper 711. 150pp. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.