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Associate Professor


Office: BEC 338 250-721-8541
PhD (McMaster)
Area of expertise:
Labour Economics


  • Labour Economics
  • Public Economics
  • Microeconometrics

Research projects

Dr. Schuetze's research has focused on issues related to self-employment. The topics he has examined include:

  • The role of Taxes and Economic Conditions
  • Male-Female differences in Self-Employment Dynamics
  • Income Tax Non-Compliance
  • The Role of Labour Market Policies
  • Immigrant Self-Employment


Selected Publications

  • "Taxes, Economic Conditions and Recent Trends in Male Self-Employment: A Canada-U.S. Comparison"Labour Economics, 7 (2000), pp. 507-544.
  • "Self-Employment Dynamics and Self-Employment Trends: A Study of Canadian Men and Women, 1982-1995" with Peter Kuhn, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol.34, No. 3, August 2001.
  • "Profiles of Tax Noncompliance Among the Self-Employed in Canada, 1969-1992", Canadian Public Policy,Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, 2002
  • “The Wage Effects of Experience in Self-Employment”,with Donald Bruce, Labour Economics, 11 (2004), pp.575-598.
  • “The Relationship between Tax Policy and Entrepreneurship”, with Donald Bruce, Swedish Economic Policy Review, 11, No.2 (Fall, 2004), pp. 233-265.
  • “Immigration, Entrepreneurship and the Venture Start-Up Process", with Heather Antecol, International Handbook Series on Entrepreneurship eds. Simon C. Parker, Zoltan J. Acs and David R. Audretsch: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume 2.
  • “Income Splitting Among the Self-Employed," Canadian Journal of Economics 39(4) November, 2006.
  • “Tax Incentives and Entrepreneurship: Measurement and Data Considerations" in Measuring Entrepreneurship: Building a Statistical System ed. Emilio Congregado: Springer 2008.
  • "Immigration Policy and the Self-Employment Experience of Immigrants to Canada" in Canadian Immigration: Economic Evidence for a Dynamic Policy Environment, eds. Ted McDonald, Elizabeth Ruddick, Arthur Sweetman, and Christopher Worswick: McGill-Queen’s University Press 2010.
  • "Self-Employment and Retirement in Canada: The Labour Force Dynamics of Older Workers," Canadian Public Policy 2015, 41(1): 65-85.