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Photo of Dr. Nilanjana Roy

Associate Professor


On leave
Office: BEC 364 250-472-4417
PhD (California, Riverside)
Area of expertise:
Econometrics, Development Economics


Nilanjana Roy is an associate professor in the Department of Economics. She joined the department in 1997 after receiving her PhD in Economics from the University of California, Riverside that same year.


  • Econometrics
  • Development Economics


Selected Publications

  • Chen, W., J.A. Clarke and N. Roy, "Health and Wealth: Short Panel Granger Causality Tests for Developing Countries", Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 2014, 26:755-784.
  • Clarke, J.A. and N. Roy, "On Statistical Inference for Inequality Measures Calculated from Complex Survey Data", Empirical Economics, 2012, 43:499-524.
  • Clarke, J.A., N. Roy and M.J. Courchane, 2009, "On the robustness of racial discrimination findings in mortgage lending studies", Applied Economics, 41:2279-2297.
  • Engineer, M., I. King, N. Roy, 2008, “The human development index as a criterion for optimal planning”, Indian Growth and Development Review, 1.2:172-192.
  • Roy, N. and G.C. van Kooten, 2004, "Another look at the income elasticity of non-point source air pollutants: A semiparametric approach," Economics Letters, 85.1:17-22.
  • Roy, N., 2002, “Is Adaptive Estimation Useful for Panel Models with Heteroskedasticity in the Individual-Specific Error Component? Some Monte Carlo Evidence,” Econometric Reviews, 21.2:189-203.
  • Roy, N., 2001, “A Semiparametric Analysis of Calorie Response to Income Change Across Income Groups and Gender”, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 10.1:93-109.
  • Roy, N., 1996, “Series Estimation of Income Elasticity of Calorie Intake Across Income Classes,” Journal of Quantitative Economics, 12.2:77-84.
  • Ullah, A., V.K. Srivastava and N. Roy, 1995, “Moments of the Function of Non-Normal Random Vector with Applications to Econometric Estimators and Test Statistics,” Econometric Reviews, 14.4: 459-471.