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Photo of Dr. Daniel Rondeau



Office: BEC 342 250-472-4423
PhD (Cornell)
Area of expertise:
Environmental and Resource Economics, Microeconomics, Experiential Methods


A Micro-Economist and Experimentalist, Dr. Rondeau specializes in the study of Environmental and Resource Management issues and in the Application of Experimental Methods to a broad array of issues, including Mechanism Design for Environmental Valuation, the Private Provision of Public Goods and the Auctioning and Trading of Quotas and of Timber Rights.


  • Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
  • Experimental Economics

Research Projects

Dr. Rondeau’s most recent research includes an early study of the impact of COVID-19 on biodiversity and a study of the value of wetlands in Quebec.

His research projects apply experimental methods and mechanism design to contemporary environmental issues. In a project sponsored by the Quebec Federation of Egg Producers, Dr. Rondeau and Dr. Maurice Doyon from Laval University have devised a new auction mechanism for the trading of production quota among producers.

Dr. Rondeau created a new market allocation mechanism designed to provide efficient trading, but also to steer the uniform auction price to the lower end of the theoretically predicted range and limit the market power of sellers in these thin markets.

Experimental testing of the auction demonstrated the ability of the proposed auction to meet the goals and objectives of egg producers and has led to its implementation in the field.

Further work on this auction mechanism is underway as a different association of agricultural producers is now moving towards its implementation as well.

In another recently completed project, Dr. Rondeau and colleagues conducted field experiments to estimate the aesthetic and non-use benefits of tree plantations on private agricultural land. In this project, Dr. Rondeau was responsible for the development of a theoretical framework guiding the development of discrete choice valuation experiments with real implementations.

The project aimed in part to demonstrate how experimental methods can be used to advance research and policy development in agriculture, and provide a greater understanding of the validity of non-market valuation methods. The results of this research will be an integral part of the ecological-economic model to be built as part of the proposed research project.

Dr. Rondeau has led or collaborated on several projects where experimental methods are applied to test the validity of non-market valuation methods. This work has covered the influence of altruism and other forms of other-regarding preferences on valuation results; mechanism design for testing the validity of the contingent valuation method; and a series of research experiments in the lab and in the field, testing various approaches to enhance private contributions towards the funding of public goods.

In the most recent of these projects, Dr. Rondeau designed a novel payment mechanism for a study of the costs of conservation rules on residents of rural Uganda. The mechanism led to a significant reduction in the number of protest bids and outliers.

Dr. Rondeau also conducted several studies on the economics of human-wildlife conflicts on agricultural land and in suburban areas. He has studied the economics of conflicts with deer, wolf, elephants and wildebeest, investigating alternative management strategies both theoretically and numerically in order to recommend optimal action plans.


  • ECON 351, Mathematical Economics II: An Introduction to Dynamic Methods
  • ECON 400, Advanced Microeconomic Theory
  • ECON 450, Game Theory in Economics
  • ECON 550, Game Theory in Economics

Selected Publications

 (for complete list, check Dr. Rondeau's ):

  • Vossler, C.A., M. Doyon, S. Bergeron and D. Rondeau. 2023. "Revisiting the gap between the willingness-to-pay and willingness-to-accept for public goods." Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 10(2): 413-445.
  • Conrad, J.M. and Rondeau, D., 2020. "Natural resource economics: analysis, theory, and applications". Cambridge University Press.
  • Rondeau, D., B. Perry, and F. Grimard. "" forthcoming, 2020, environmental and resource economics.
  • Bateman, I.J., A. Dannenberg, R. Elliott, M. Finus, P. Koundouri, K. Millock, A. Munro, E.J.Z Robinson, D. Rondeau, I. Schumacher, E. Strobl, and A. Xepapadeas. "" forthcoming, 2020, Environmental and Resource Economics.
  • Bull, C., Courty, M. Doyon and D. Rondeau, forthcoming (2019). "Failure of the Becker-Degroot-Marschak Mechanism in Inexperienced Subjects: New Tests of the Game Form Misconception Hypothesis," Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization.
  • Chassin, D. & Rondeau, D. "Aggregate modeling of fast-acting demand response and control under real-time pricing." Applied Energy 181:288-298.
  • Rondeau, D.,  Courtyand M. Doyon, 2016. "Simultaneous Allocation of Bundled Goods through Auctions: Assessing the Case for Joint Bidding", American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(3): 838-859.
  • Conrad, J.M. and  Rondeau, 2015. "Bioeconomics of a Marine Disease", Marine Resource Economics30(4): 393-416.
  • Courty, P.,  Rondeauand M. Doyon, 2015. "Unbundling Truthful Revelation when Auctioning Bundled Goods", Economics Bulletin 35(4): 2512-2517.
  • Lafferty, K., Harvell, D., Conrad, J.M., Friedman, C.S. Kent, M.L., Kuris, A.M., Powell, E.N., Rondeau, D. Saksida, S.M. 2015. "Infectious diseases affect marine fisheries and aquaculture economics." Annual Review of Marine Sciences7:471-496.
  • Bush, G., N. Hanley, M. Moro and  Rondeau, 2013. "Measuring the Local Costs of Conservation: A Provision Point Mechanism for Eliciting Willingness to Accept Compensation", Land Economics 89(3): 490-513.
  • Vossler, C.A., M. Doyon and  Rondeau, 2012. "Truth in Consequentiality: Theory and Field Evidence on Discrete Choice Experiments", American Economic Journal: Microeconomics4(4): 145-171.
  • Linnell, J.D.C., D. Rondeau, D.H. Reed, R. Williams, R. Altwegg, C.J. Raxworthy, J.D. Austin, N. Hanley, H. Fritz, D.M. Evans, I.J. Gordon, B. Reyers, S. Redpath, and N. Pettorelli. 2010. “Confronting The Costs and Conflicts Associated with Biodiversity." Animal Conservation 13(5):428-430.
  • Doyon, M., D. Rondeau and R. Mbala. 2010. " Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 39(2):193-212.
  • Messer, K., G.L. Poe, D. Rondeau, W.D. Schulze and C. Vossler. 2010. " Journal of Public Economics 94(3-4):308-317.
  • Rondeau, D. and J.A. List. 2008. "" Experimental Economics 11(3):253-267.
  • Bulte, E.H. and D. Rondeau. 2007. " Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 54(3):311-322.
  • Rondeau, D. and E.H. Bulte. 2007. " American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89 (2): 490-507.
  • Bulte, E.H. and D. Rondeau. 2005. " Journal of Wildlife Management 69(1):14-19.
  • Rondeau, D., G.L. Poe and W.D. Schulze. 2005. " Journal of Public Economics 89:1581-1592.
  • Buttle, J. and D. Rondeau. 2004. " Canadian Journal Of Economics 37(1):189-198.
  • List, J.A. and D. Rondeau. 2003. " Economics Letters 79:153-159.
  • Ferraro, P., D. Rondeau and G.L. Poe. 2003. " Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 51:99-109.
  • Rondeau, D. and J.M. Conrad. 2003. "". American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(1): 266-281.
  • Poe, G.L., J. Clark, D. Rondeau and W.D. Schulze. 2002. "" Environmental and Resource Economics 23:105-131.
  • Schulze, W.D., G.L. Poe, I. Bateman and D. Rondeau. 2002. "Is The Scope Test Meaningful in the Presence of Other-Regarding Behaviour?" In J.A. List and A. De Zeeuw Eds., Recent Advances in Environmental, Resource and Energy Economics Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publisher, pp. 365-384.
  • Rose, S.K., J. Clark, G.L. Poe, D. Rondeau and W.D. Schulze. 2002. " Resource And Energy Economics 24:131-155.
  • Rondeau, D. 2001. Journal Of Environmental Economics and Management 42:156-182.