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Photo of Dr. Elisabeth Gugl

Associate Professor; Associate Chair


Office: BEC 384 250-721-8538
PhD (Rice)
Area of expertise:
Public Economics, Family Economics, Applied Microeconomic Theory


Dr. Gugl's main research is in Family Economics, an area that investigates issues such as Family Formation and Dissolution, Fertility Decisions, Investments in Children, Altruism in families and Gender Inequality in Relationships.


  • Microeconomic Theory
  • Public Finance
  • Labour Economics


Selected Publications

  • "Transferable utility and demand functions" (with P. Chiappori), Theoretical Economics, forthcoming. .
  • "Tax competition and the efficiency of 'benefit-related' business taxes" (with G.R. Zodrow), International Tax and Public Finance, 25, 2018.
  • "Gender and household economics," Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Springer 2018.
  • "Efficiency of family bargaining models with renegotiation: the role of transferable utility across periods" (with L. Welling), Studies in Microeconomics June 2017 5(1):53-83.
  • "Competition in business taxes and public services: Are production-based taxes superior to capital taxes?" (with G.R. Zodrow), National Tax Journal, 2015, special issue on subnational taxes.
  • "Transferable utility in the case of many private and many public goods," Studies in Microeconomics 2014, 2(2):133-140.
  • "Is amalgamation the path to sustainable local government finance?" (with Joel Tamosiunas, Brad Hackinen and David Scoones), International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 2013.
  • “Time with sons and daughters" (with Linda Welling), Review of Economics of the Household, June 2012, 10(2):277-298.
  • "Share the gain, share the pain? Almost transferable utility, changes in production possibilities and bargaining solutions" (with Justin Leroux), Mathematical Social Sciences, November 2011.
  • "The behavioural effects of 'joint' tax and benefit laws on women's economic lives,” Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, 2010.
  • "The early bird gets the worm? Birth order effects in a dynamic model of the family" (with Linda Welling), Economic Inquiry, July 2010.
  • “Income splitting, specialization and intrafamily distribution,” Canadian Journal of Economics, August 2009.
  • "Discussion of 'The Effect of Sunk Costs on the Outcome of Alternating-Offers Bargaining between Inequity-Averse Agents,'"Schmalenbach Business Review, April 2006.
  • "International tax competition and tax incentives in developing countries" (with G.R. Zodrow), The Challenges of Tax Reform in a Global Economy, collective volume edited by James Alm, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Mark Rider, Springer, 2006.
  • "Intrafamily distribution and taxation," 2005, in NTJ Papers and Proceedings 2004.
  • "Tax competition and local tax incentives" (with G.R. Zodrow), 2004, in NTJ Papers and Proceedings 2003.