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Donn Feir, Professor of Economics



Office: BEC 380 250-721-8533
Area of expertise:
Indigenous Economics, Applied Microeconometrics and Economic History


Donn Feir is an Applied Labor Economist and Economic Historian who has published on Reconciliation, Modern Indigenous Labor Market experiences, Health and the impact of Historic Policies on Indigenous Economies and People.

Donn is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER) and Research Fellow at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics. Donn formerly worked at the Center for Indian Country Development at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Donn received their PhD from the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia.


  • Indigenous Economics
  • Labour Economics
  • LGBTQI+ Economics
  • Economic History
  • Applied Econometrics

Research projects

  • The Long-Run Impact of Historical Treaty Making
  • Access to Finance for Indigenous Nations
  • Indigenous Outcomes in the Labour Market
  • Environmental Racism in Canada


  • ECON 313, Intermediate Microeconomics II
  • ECON 346, Applied Econometrics II
  • ECON 423, Economics and Indigenous Peoples
  • ECON 526, Economics and Indigenous Nations

Selected Publications

  1. Slaughter of the North American Bison and Reversal of Fortunes on the Great Plains,” (with Rob Gillezeau and Maggie Jones)  Review of Economic Studies. Volume 91, Issue 3, (May 2024): pp. 1634–1670
  2. “Policies for Other People: Reflections from an Economist on Research and Federal Government Indigenous Policy in Canada Post-1975” Canadian Public Policy. Volume 50, no. S1 (May 2024): pp. 36-61
  3. “Temporal Trends in Mental Health in the United States by Gender Identity, 2014–2021” (with Samuel Mann), American Journal of Public Health 114, no. 5 (May 1, 2024): pp. 523-526.
  4. “Native American `Deaths of Despair’ and Economic Conditions” (with Randall Akee, Marina Mileo Gorzig, and Samuel Myers Jr.) Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, (Volume 89, 2024)
  5. “Stakeholder Cues, National Origin, and Public Opinion Towards Firms: Evidence in the Context of the First Bank in an American Indian Nation” (with Rachel Wellhausen and Calvin Thrall). Business and Politics. 2024:1-26.  doi:10.1017/bap.2023.29.
  6. “American Indian Wealth in the Early 20th Century” (with Maggie Jones and Angela Redish) AEA Papers and Proceedings. (Forthcoming, May 2024).
  7. “When Do Nations Tax? The Adoption of Property Tax Codes by First Nations in Canada'' (with Maggie Jones and David Scoones) Public Choice. (2023, p. 1-34)
  8. "Native Americans’ Experience of Chronic Distress in the USA" (with David G. Blanchflower) Journal of Population Economics (2023, Vol. 36, Issue 2).
  9. “Indigenous Nations and the Development of the US Economy: Land, Resources, and Dispossession” (with Ann Carlos and Angela Redish) Journal of Economic History. (2022, Volume 82, No. 2,  p 516 - 555)