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Photo of Dr. Martin Farnham

Associate Professor; Graduate Advisor


Office: BEC 354
PhD (Michigan)
Area of expertise:
Public Finance, Labour Economics, Urban Economics


Professor Farnham has researched a variety of applied topics including the effect of Government Policy on Residential Mobility, the effect of Housing Wealth Shocks on Household Behaviour, aspects of Job Design within firms and Climate Change.


  • Public Economics
  • Labour Economics
  • Urban Economics


Selected Publications

  • Farnham, M. and  Kennedy, 2015. "Adapting to climate change: equilibrium welfare implications for large and small economies," Environmental and Resource Economics 61(3):345-363.
  • “Two perspectives on multiskilling and product market volatility” (with J. DeVaro), Labour Economics, 2011.
  • “House prices and marital stability” (with P. Sevak and L. Schmidt), American Economic Review, v101(3), May 2011 (Papers and Proceedings).
  • “State fiscal institutions and empty-nest migration: Are tiebout voters hobbled?” (with P. Sevak), Journal of Public Economics v. 90, 2006.
  • “Local residential sorting and public goods provision: a classroom demonstration” (with K. Brouhle, J. Corrigan, R. Croson, S. Garip, L. Habodaszova, L. Johnson, M. Johnson and D. Reiley), Journal of Economic Education, Fall 2005.

Book chapters

  • “The Effect of Multiskilling on Labor Productivity, Product Quality, and Financial Performance” (with E. Hutchinson), Advances in the Economics of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms, (refereed), forthcoming.
  • “Guidelines for Writing the Honours Thesis" (with E. Hutchinson) in Hume, S.E. (Ed.) Economics Writing (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson, forthcoming.