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Marco Cozzi, Associate Teaching Professor

Associate Teaching Professor


Office: BEC 368 250-721-6535
Area of expertise:
Macroeconomics, Empirical Microeconomics, Computational Economics


Marco Cozzi joined the Department of Economics in the summer of 2015. Before joining the 番茄社区, he was an assistant professor at Queen's University.

He received a PhD in economics from University College London, UK, and an MA in economics from Bocconi University, Italy.


  • Quantitative Macroeconomics
  • Heterogeneous-Agent Models
  • Empirical Microeconomics
  • Calibration Methods
  • Computational Economics
  • Economics of Crime


  • ECON 204, Intermediate Macroeconomics 
  • ECON 401, Advanced Topics in Macroeconomic Theory
  • ECON 457, Computational Economics
  • ECON 501, Macroeconomic Analysis
  • ECON 549, Computational Methods in Economics and Econometrics

Selected Publications

  • Cozzi, M. , Journal of Macroeconomics, (2023, Article 103539).
  • Cozzi, M. "," Economics Bulletin, Vol. 44 (1), 2024, p. 88-98 (with Qiushan Li).
  • Cozzi, M. "," Applied Economics Letters, published online June 6th 2024.
  • Cozzi, M. and G. Fella, 2016. "Job displacement risk and severance pay," Journal of Monetary Economics. First published online 9/11/16.
  • Cozzi, M., "The Krusell-Smith algorithm: are self-fulfilling equilibria likely?,"Computational Economics, 2015,46 (4), 653-670. First published online 30/10/14.
  • Cozzi, M., 2014. "Equilibrium heterogeneous-agent models as measurement tools: some Monte Carlo evidence," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 39(C): 208-226.
  • Cozzi, M., "Optimal unemployment insurance in GE: a Robust calibration approach," Economics Letters 117(1): 28-31.

Book Chapters

  • Cozzi, M. 2013. Precautionary Savings and Wealth Inequality: a Global Sensitivity Analysis. Chapter 9 (pp. 195-222) in Calibration Technology, Theories and Applications, edited by I. Fujimoto and K. Nishimura. Nova Science Publishers.