
Outdoor booking request form for students

Note: If you are a UVic staff or faculty member wanting to book outdoor space for an event or activity, please email  or call 250-721-7019.

Requesting space for a special event

  • Outdoor Space requests require a minimum of 10 business days prior to event date to be approved by the university Please note: Based on the the event requested, we may require longer  to confirm your booking.
  • If you require power hook-up, access to water, extra garbage cans, etc. you will need to contact Facilities Management separately (contact information will be provided upon confirmation of booking).
  • Please look at the red space on the map to see what spaces are available for students. 

All fields on the application form are mandatory. Questions on completing this application may be directed to studentoutdoorspace@uvic.ca or 250-472-5617.

* Indicates required field.

Website: (this is for spam filtering do NOT fill out)
Step 1 of 4 - Contact information

and must be registered and ratified before space booking requests will be reviewed.

Name and contact information of the individual who will be the primary and on site contact for the booking.

Step 2 of 4 - Proposed booking details
Location: (check all that apply) *
Event type: *
Step 3 of 4 - Advertising information
How are you advertising the event? *
Step 4 of 4 - Event details

Collection and use of personal information

The 番茄社区 is committed to treating personal information in accordance with the 's and the university's Protection of Privacy Policy and Procedures (GV0235). The collection of personal information by the university is in accordance with the FIPPA and the University Act. The information provided in this form will be used for the purposes of determining if an outdoor space booking event will be approved. Should you have any questions concerning your personal information, please contact the General Counsel's Office at privacyinfo@uvic.ca or (250) 472-4914.