

The following are common questions asked at the Academic Advising Centre that might help you get on the right track:

How will the grading options work in Humanities, Science and Social Sciences for the Spring 2020 term?

The Faculties of Humanities, Science and Social Sciences have put together the following information about the COVID-19 grading options for the Spring 2020 term and how these will work in relation to courses, pre-requisites, and program requirements. These guidelines are designed to help you understand how the grading options apply in your courses and programs as students make decisions about grades for the Spring 2020 term.

“Pass” grades:

  • will be considered as a successful academic attempt;
  • will accumulate credit – therefore, a course that receives a pass will contribute to the required unit accumulation for degree and program requirements;
  • will count toward program requirements and pre-requisites that do not have a minimum grade requirement;
  • will not be included in GPA calculations.

“COVID-19 Fail” grades:

  • will not be considered as a successful academic attempt;
  • will not accumulate credit – therefore a course that receives a fail will not contribute to the required unit accumulation for degree and program requirements;
  • will not count toward program requirements and pre-requisites;
  • will not be included in GPA calculations.

I have reviewed the unversity-wide frequent questions and the COVID-19 grading options, but I need more information about how the options may affect my program, progression or post-degree plans. Who should I contact?

For questions on pre-requisites and program requirements:

Connect with the adviser (or designated contact) for your academic unit or program for guidance on how the COVID-19 grading options or outcomes may affect your progression. Your academic unit or program adviser can also confirm how a "COVID-19 Pass" will be interpreted as a pre-requisite for other courses or for application towards your program, where there would otherwise be a grade requirement for the course.

Links to contact information for each academic unit within Humanities, Science and Social Sciences is provided in the tabs below.

For questions on application to post-degree programs:

Contact the admissions office for the school and program to which you are applying for direction on how they will be evaluating coursework (including courses where a "COVID-19 Pass" is selected) for admission requirements. You're also encouraged to contact the adviser for the program you are considering, for further direction on how coursework may be interpreted when selecting candidates.

For general program advice, or course planning for the 2020/21 winter session:

Please email advising@uvic.ca with your questions or to book an appointment with the Academic Advising Centre. When emailing, please include your full name and student number (as well as preferences for dates and times, if requesting an appointment).

I have decided to use the COVID-19 grading option(s), what is my next step?

If you have decided that one or more of the COVID-19 grading options applies to you, please proceed to the COVID 19 grading options form.

Remember, you should only submit the grading options form if you wish to change one or more of your grades from the assigned grade - and the grading option form can only be submitted once.