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Cecelia Zhang
of Business

full name: Cecelia Zhang
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at ceceliaz@uvic.ca
Fengyi Zhang
of Economics

full name: Fengyi Zhang
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at fengyizhang@uvic.ca
Hanna Zhang
of Budget & Capital Planning
of Pension Services

full name: Hanna Zhang
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at 250-721-8076
Hao Zhang
of Electrical & Computer Engg

full name: Dr Hao Zhang
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at zhanghao@uvic.ca
Helena Zhang
of Island Medical

full name: Ms Helena Zhang
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at hrzhang@uvic.ca
Jason Zhang
of Campus Security Services

full name: Jason Zhang
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at zjason787@gmail.com
Jessie Zhang
of Biology

full name: Jessie Zhang
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at a19953886430@163.com
Jiaxuan Zhang
of Economics

full name: Jiaxuan Zhang
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at jiaxuanz@uvic.ca
Jie Zhang
of Business

full name: Dr. Jie Zhang
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at jiezhang@uvic.ca
Jing Zhang
of Mathematics and Statistics

full name: Jing Zhang
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at zhj0903@outlook.com
Leijie Zhang
of Computer Science

full name: Leijie Zhang
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at leijiezhang@uvic.ca
Lijun Zhang
of Economics

full name: Dr. Lijun Zhang
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at 250-721-6483
Rena Zhang
of Mathematics and Statistics

full name: Rena Zhang
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at rena.zhang.1102@gmail.com
Shibai Zhang
of Mathematics and Statistics

full name: Shibai Zhang
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at shibaizhang99@gmail.com
Tom Zhang
of Biology

full name: Tom Zhang
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at tomzhang1257@gmail.com
Xi Zhang
of Pacific & Asian Studies

full name: Xi Zhang
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at zhangxilxsq@126.com
Xianjing Zhang
of Global Engagement

full name: Ms. Xianjing Zhang
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at 250-721-8110
Xuebin Zhang
of Pac Climate Impacts Consortium

full name: Dr. Xuebin Zhang
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at 250-721-6194
Xuekui Zhang
of Mathematics and Statistics

full name: Dr. Xuekui Zhang
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at xuekui@uvic.ca
Yuying Zhang
of Art History & Visual Studies

full name: Ms Yuying Zhang
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at yyz@uvic.ca
Zhonghao Zhang
of Mechanical Engineering

full name: Zhonghao Zhang
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at zhonghaoz@uvic.ca
Zhoumo Zhang
of Economics

full name: Zhoumo Zhang
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at pipilapilamora@uvic.ca