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Dr. Christine Ou

At UVic

Christine Bobyn
of Co-op and Career

full name: Christine Bobyn
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at cbobyn@uvic.ca
Christine Chatterley
of Civil Engineering

full name: Dr. Christine Chatterley
View complete listing

at cachatterley@fortlewis.edu
Christine Doszecki
of Civil Engineering

full name: Miss Christine Doszecki
View complete listing

at 250-472-5842
Christine Fletch
of University Systems

full name: Christine Fletch
View complete listing

at christinefletch@uvic.ca
Christine Forster
of Hispanic & Italian -historic

full name: Christine Forster
View complete listing

at 250-721-6204
Christine Funk
of Continuing Studies

full name: Christine Funk
View complete listing

at christinenicolef@uvic.ca
Christine Mojica
of Pension Services

full name: Christine Mojica
View complete listing

at 250-721-7030
Christine Murray
of Law

full name: Christine Murray
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at christinemurray@uvic.ca
Christine Neave
of Undergraduate 番茄社区

full name: Christine Neave
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at 250-853-3764
Christine O'Bonsawin
of History
of Indigenous Studies

full name: Dr Christine O'Bonsawin
View complete listing

at cobonsaw@uvic.ca
Christine Ou
of Nursing

full name: Dr. Christine Ou
View complete listing

at christineou@uvic.ca
Christine Rattray
of Mechanical Engineering

full name: Christine Rattray
View complete listing

at 250-721-8900
Christine Rowlandson
of Continuing Studies

full name: Mrs Christine Rowlandson
View complete listing

at crowland@uvic.ca
Christine Sotkowy
of University Food Services

full name: Christine Sotkowy
View complete listing

at leanne1@uvic.ca
Christine Sy
of Gender Studies

full name: Dr. Christine Sy
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at 721-737-7
Christine Thaler
of Residence Services

full name: Christine Thaler
View complete listing

at cthaler@uvic.ca
Christine van der Stege
of Environmental Studies

full name: Christine van der Stege
View complete listing

at christinevanderstege@uvic.ca
Christine Walde
of Univ. Librarian's Office

full name: Christine Walde
View complete listing

at 250-853-3613