
Degree programs

Student in a lab looking at maps with a microscope and rocks nearby
How does the ocean affect the chemistry of the atmosphere? How does weather affect the land? Why do we have earthquakes? Alex Semple is excited about the questions that earth and ocean sciences can answer.

The School of Earth and Ocean Sciences offers honours and major degrees. Given our interdisciplinary nature, we also have a number of joint degrees offered with other departments.

All of these degree programs offer a mix of fundamental learning and practical laboratory and field work. Relevant work experience is offered in the  co-op program and via work study and summer research assistant positions.

Our programs are described in the  UVic Calendar. Worksheets for Program Planning are available from Academic Advising.

Contact us if you need help or have questions.

The School offers the following BSc degree programs:

  • General, Minor, Major and Honours in Earth Sciences        
  • Major and Honours in Physics and Earth Sciences (Geophysics)
  • Major and Honours in Physics and Ocean-Atmosphere Sciences
  • Major and Honours in Chemistry and Earth Sciences
  • Major and Honours in Physical Geography and Earth and Ocean Sciences       
  • Major and Honours in Biology and Earth Sciences
  • Major and Honours in Chemistry and Ocean Sciences   
  • Minor in Ocean Sciences ( Details)
  • NEW in 2023/24: Major and Honours in Climate Sciences, accredited by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) ( Details)

Professional Geoscientist Registration

Our graduates who pursue a degree in Earth Sciences often wish to become Professional Geoscientists (P.Geo.) through  .

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Consideration for registration in Faculty of Science credit courses at UVic requires that you first meet a specific set of admission requirements. The requirements which apply depend on your level of education and/or the province (or country) from which you graduated. Visit Admission Services for information about current undergraduate admission requirements.