
Adjunct & Cross-listed Faculty

Name Contact

Abraham, Carsten

Development of physical parameterizations for the atmosphere; boundary layer physics; deep convection and cloud processes; water vapour distributions and transports; extreme precipitation; global climate modelling.

Vertebrate palaeontology (especially dinosaurs and other Mesozoic reptiles); Cretaceous palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography; functional morphology; evolutionary biology.

250 896 0217

Strong motion seismology; ground motion prediction equation; seismic hazard assessment; induced seismicity; earthquake early warning; site response modeling.

403 918 5278

Climate Extremes; applied climatology; statistical bias correction/downscaling; machine learning and environmental data science.

Christian, James

The global carbon cycle; ocean biogeochemistry; ecology of aquatic microorganisms; ocean colour remote sensing.

250 686 6081

Arctic marine mammals and fish using passive acoustic monitoring; effects of underwater noise and climate change on these animals.

Hobbs, Tiegan

Seismic risk; seismic hazard; active faulting; seismogeodesy. 

236 330 2180


Space geodesy techniques; seismo-tectonics; slow slip events; earth deformation due to mass redistribution.

Seismic imaging of the Earth’s interior; structure and dynamics of the upper mantle; evolution of the lithosphere; seismo-tectonics of continental deformation zones and convergent margins; seismicity and seismic hazard.

250 363 6430

Marine geophysics and geology; gas hydrates; geological carbon storage; active and passive seismology and seismic imaging; subduction zone processes; continental collision.

250 721 6309

Terrestrial carbon cycle; land surface modeling; model evaluation.

250 721 7217

Seasonal climate predictions (sea ice, stratosphere-troposphere coupling); atmospheric large-scale circulation; regional climate change; ozone hole impacts; Arctic sea ice impacts.

778 401 4654

Sospedra-Alfonso, Reinel

Seasonal to decadal climate predictability and prediction; climate variability and change; application of machine learning to Earth system research.

Stevens, Catherine (Cat)

Marine zooplankton ecology; hydrothermal vent food webs; microbial dynamics in oxygen minimum zones; carbon cycle; nitrogen cycle; denitrification; fatty acid biomarkers; functional gene pyrosequencing; taxonomic gene surveys.

250 661 3602

Subduction zone geodynamics; earthquake processes; crustal deformation; subduction forearc hydrogeology and geomechanics.

Development of coupled Earth System Models and open source collaborative scientific software; climate change and variability in the ocean, sea-ice and atmosphere. Carbon cycle dynamics and Antarctic meltwater feedbacks.

250 661 2632

Wei, Mike

Hydrogeology; surface water-groundwater connection; analysis of pumping tests; groundwater allocation and management.

250 213 8228

Name Contact

Earth system modelling; climate-carbon cycle feedbacks; emission budgets; biogeochemistry; paleoclimate; ice modelling; control of glacial cycles; climate change longevity.

250 853 3786

(Honorary Research Professor)

Attribution of the causes of climate change; extreme event attribution; observationally-constrained climate projections; the climate response to cumulative carbon emissions.

250 216 6345

Ianson, Debby

Biogeochemical cycles in the ocean with a focus on ocean acidification and hypoxia.

250 363 6614

Field investigations and computer modelling of geodynamic and environmental processes related to crustal motion, sea level, and ice-sheet change.

250 813 0632

Seismology: earthquake source studies; velocity structure inversion; seismogenic behaviour and processes; induced seismicity; moment-tensor inversion; seismotectonics.

250 363 6225

Development and application of terrestrial ecosystem and land surface models for stand-alone simulations and implementation in Earth system models; process modelling including wetland methane, fire, and permafrost carbon.

250 686 6287

Morell, Kristin

Plate tectonics; landscapes; earthquakes; geology.

Ocean observation with particular emphasis on physical-biological interactions; climate change impacts on marine ecosystems; ocean monitoring using autonomous underwater vehicles.

250 363 6438

Simandl, George

Numerous critical metals and industrial minerals (including magnets, batteries, and photovoltaic materials) essential for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; ore deposits that contain these materials: their geology, mineral economics, technical specifications, market dynamics, and related exploration methods.


Steiner, Nadja

Modelling of ocean and sea-ice biogeochemistry; atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice-biochemistry interactions; climate change impacts on Arctic marine ecosystems and Inuit subsistence fisheries.

250 363 6402

250 686 7318

Modelling of physical and chemical processes in the troposphere; cloud and aerosol processes; global climate modelling.


Name Contact

Cassidy, John

Earthquake hazard studies: earth structure; earthquake source determination; wave propagation.

250 363 6500

Global and regional climate modelling; climate variability and trends; wind and hydroclimate of Western Canada; biogeochemical cycles.

250 721 7277

Numerical modelling; physical oceanography; data assimilation; satellite altimetry; tidal analysis.

250 881 5720

Ocean modelling; satellite altimetry; physical oceanography; sea level rise; ocean climate variability and change; impacts of physical change on marine ecosystems.

709 690 1426


Hoffman, Paul

Sedimentary and tectonic geology; Proterozoic Earth history; Cryogenian snowball Earth.

Tectonic and structural geology; evolution of convergent margins.

Lefebure, Dave

Economic geology and metallogeny; mineral deposit models; resource assessments and databases; related knowledge engineering applications; community engagement.

Ocean observing to understand tectonic and seafloor processes; understanding carbon dioxide removal in marine geologic formations; applying geotechnics for interpreting past climate in marine sediment records.

Saenko, Oleg

Global ocean circulation and its influence on climate; water masses; climate variability and feedbacks.

250 363 8267

Tunnicliffe, Verena (Emeritus)

Evolution of marine communities; hydrothermal vents; seamounts and fjords; interaction with physical and geological processes.

(Honorary Research Professor)

Subduction zone processes; lithospheric stresses; earthquake mechanics; crustal thermal and hydrological processes.

250 363 6429

Name Contact

 (CIVE, Professor)

Groundwater sustainability; mega-scale groundwater systems; groundwater recharge and discharge; fluid flow around geologic structures.

250 853 3934