
Standard course sequencing

The table below outlines the standard course sequencing in any given year.

  Fall Spring Summer
100 level  

200 level


PHYS 248

# ■

300 level

or *
PHYS 317 ■

PHYS 340


400 level

PHYS 441
PHYS 460A ■
PHYS 460B ■
PHYS 499


PHYS 438
PHYS 460B ■
PHYS 499 ■


Course is required for at least one degree program and is offered annually. Other courses may be subject to enrolment and operational demands.

* Courses usually offered in alternating years. 

# Please consult with the department to confirm summer offerings of 200 and 300 level courses. 


  1. PHYS 429A, PHYS 460A, PHYS 460B and PHYS 499 are taken in both the fall and the spring terms.