
Thesis/Dissertation Titles

Year Name Degree Area Supervisor(s)

Title of Thesis/Dissertation


ADEGUN, Adedapo PhD Particle Physics

O.Kester          D. Karlen


ALHUSSAN, Abdulaziz

PhD Medical Physics D. Chithrani

ARYAL, Mukesh

MSc Condensed Matter B. Choi

BI, Jiaqing

PhD Astronomy R. Dong

BIALEK, Spencer

PhD Astronomy S. Fabbro          K. Venn

BOOTH, Nicholas

MSc Medical Physics W. Beckham      D. Chithrani


PhD Astronomy J.Navarro
  BROMMA, Kyle PhD Medical Physics D. Chithrani    W. Beckham
  BROWN, Leesa MSc Particle Physics I. Trigger        R. McPherson
  CERVANTES SMITH, Marla PhD Particle Physics A. Gottberg      D. Karlen
  CROMPVOETS, Breanna MSc Astronomy J. Di Francesco  J. Willis
  ESPLEN, Nolan PhD Medical Physics M. Bazalova-Carter            D. Wells


MSc Astronomy H. Kirk            K. Venn


PhD Theoretical Physics A. Ritz
  GREGORY, RuthAnn MSc Particle Physics R. Laxdal          T. Junginger
  GOUSY-LEBLANC, Vincent MSc Particle Physics D. Karlen        A. Konaka
  HARVEY, William MSc Theoretical Physics K. Jensen        A. Ritz
  KIY, Spencer MSc Particle Physics O. Kester        D. Karlen

LEE, Aram

MSc Astronomy JJ. Kavelaars    K. Venn

LESTE, Ophelie

MSc Astronomy J.Willis              J. Di Francesco
  McMullin, Mattias MSc Particle Physics R. Laxdal          T. Junginger
  MILLER, Caleb PhD Particle Physics M. Roney        B. Kowalewski

O'CONNELL, Jericho

PhD Medical Physics M. Bazalova-Carter

PAUL, Andrew

MSc Particle Physics T. Junginger

PENG, Jinghan

MSc Astronomy JJ. Kavelaars    J. Willis
  SHELBAYA, Olivier PhD Particle Physics O. Kester        D. Karlen
  SMITH, Conor MSc Medical Physics E. Chin            M. Bazalova-Carter
  THORPE, Mallory PhD Astronomy S. Ellison          L. Simard


PhD Astronomy C. Marois          F. Herwig
  TIMAKOVA, Elena MSc Medical Physics M. Bazalova-Carter            S. Zavgorodni


WILKINSON, Scott MSc Astronomy S. Ellison          A. McConnachie


WRIGHT, Emily MSc Condensed Matter R. de Sousa


MSc Condensed Matter A. Blackburn     R.deSousa


ANSTEY, Kurtis MSc Ocean Physics J. Klymak


AYDIN, Deniz PhD Condensed Matter P. Loock


BEAUBIEN, Alexandre MSc Particle Physics M. Roney
  BYRNE-MAMAHIT, Shoshannah MSc Astronomy

S. Ellison

  HIGGS, Clare PhD Astronomy

A. McConnachie K. Venn

  MACDONELL, Danika PhD Particle Physics

R. Sobie          R. Kowalewski

  MAO, Shunyuan MSc Astronomy

R. Dong

  MALDONADO MILLAN, Fernando PhD Particle Physics

A. Gottberg      D. Karlen

  O'BRIAIN, Teaghan MSc Medical Physics

M. Bazalova-Carter

  PECK, Ryan PhD Condensed Matter

A. Brolo            R. Gordon

  PENG, Yuhao MSc Particle Physics

M. Roney

  PEREIRA WILSON, Matthew MSc Astronomy

J. Navarro

  RENNEHAN, Douglas PhD Astronomy

A. Babul

  TAHERI NIEH, Mojtaba PhD Astronomy

D. Andersen    K. Venn

  TRUDEAU, Ariane PhD Astronomy

J. Willis

  WRIGHT, Benjamin MSc Particle Physics

J. Albert


BEAIRSTO, Seamus MSc Condensed Matter R. de Sousa  
  BI, Jiaqing MSc Astronomy R. Dong
  CHEN, Michael PhD Astronomy J. Di Francesco
J. Willis
  CHIU, Justin PhD Particle Physics M. Lefebvre  
  CLARKSON, Ondrea PhD Astronomy F. Herwig  
  DUNNING, Chelsea PhD Medical Physics M. Bazalova-Carter  
  FANTIN, Nicholas PhD Astronomy P. Côté
J. Navarro
  GENNARI, Michael MSc Particle Physics P. Navratil
B. Kowalewski
  GHASEMI BOSTANABAD, Meisam PhD Particle Physics J. Albert
  HART, Alexander MSc Medical Physics W. Beckham
M. Bazalova-Carter
  JENSEN, Jaclyn MSc Astronomy A. McConnachie
S. Ellison
  KIELTY, Collin PhD Astronomy K. Venn  
  LINDSAY, Clayton PhD Medical Physics

C. Hoehr
A. Jirasek

  LOEWEN, Nicholas MSc Astronomy J. Navarro
  McLEAN, Kayla PhD Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
  POLSON, Lucas MSc Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
  TAYLOR, Samantha MSc Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
2020 ALLEN, Marc PhD Condensed Matter R. de Sousa
  BANNISTER, Aaron MSc Medical Physics D. Chithrani  
  BIALEK, Spencer MSc Astronomy S. Fabbro
K. Venn
  BOTTRELL, Connor PhD Astronomy L. Simard
S. Ellison
  COFFEY, John MSc Theory D. Morrissey
A. Ritz
  CROTTS, Katherine MSc Astronomy B. Matthews
R. Dong
  GAO, Yi Lin (Kyle) MSc Particle Physics S. Koscielniak
D. Karlen
  GERARD, Benjamin PhD Astronomy C. Marois
J. Willis
  HANI, Maan PhD Astronomy S. Ellison
  HOULT, Raphael MSc Theory P. Kovtun
  HOWARD, Brittany MSc Astronomy J. Willis  
  JUNG, Paul MSc Particle Physics R. Baartman
D. Karlen
  KEOWN, Jared PhD Astronomy K. Venn
J. Di Francesco
  LONGO, Savino PhD Particle Physics M. Roney  
  PAETKAU, D. Owen MSc Medical Physics M. Bazalova-Carter
I. Gagne
  SHROFF, Maheyer MSc Particle Physics R. McPherson
R. Keeler
  STEPHENS, David MSc Astronomy F. Herwig  
  WILKINSON-ZAN, Benjamin MSc Theory M. Pospelov
2019 BEAULIEU, Alexandre PhD Particle Physics M. Roney
  BREITKREUTZ, Dylan PhD Medical Physics M. Bazalova-Carter
  CARLSON, Evan MSc Particle Physics R. Kowalewski
I. Trigger
  DIGBY, Ruth MSc Astronomy J. Navarro
  FRANCIS, Logan MSc Astronomy D. Johnstone
J. Navarro
  JOHNSTONE, Christopher PhD Medical Physics M. Bazalova-Carter
  LI, Zhelun MSc Particle Physics R. Kowalewski
  MAYNARD, Evan PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
M. Hilts
  RIECK, Kristy MSc Medical Physics D. Chithrani
  ROTERMUND, Lina MSc Ocean Physics J. Klymak
B. Williams
  SPENGLER, Chelsea PhD Astronomy P. Côté
J. Willis
  TAYLOR, Kate MSc Theory A. Ritz
  THORP, Mallory MSc Astronomy S. Ellison
  TRONRUD, Thorold MSc Astronomy J. Navarro
2018 AL-HAKEEM, Eyad PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
S. Zavgorodni
  BERG, Trystyn PhD Astronomy S. Ellison
  DRAPER, Zachary PhD Astronomy K. Venn
B. Matthews
  JAHANDAR, Farbod MSc Astronomy K. Venn
P. Côté
  LIU, Ruochuan MSc Theory M. Pospelov
  VAN NEST, Samantha PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
2017 BRADY, Brendan MSc Condensed Matter A. Brolo
  COATHUP, Andrew MSc Medical Physics M. Bazalova-Carter
P. Basran
  DAVIS, Austin MSc Astronomy F. Herwig
  DE JONG, Samuel PhD Particle Physics J.M. Roney
  ELLIOT, Alison PhD Particle Physics R. Keeler
R. McPherson
  FATTAHI SAVADJANI, Azadeh PhD Astronomy J. Navarro
  FRADETTE, Anthony PhD Theory M. Pospelov
  HERNANDEZ, Juan MSc Theory P. Kovtun
  HILL, Ewan PhD Particle Physics R. Kowalewski
I. Trigger
  KIELTY, Collin MSc Astronomy K. Venn
  KOLTHAMMER, Joseph PhD Condensed Matter B.C. Choi
  KWAN, Tony PhD Particle Physics R. Keeler
  LAMB, Masen PhD Astronomy K. Venn
D. Andersen
  LE DALL, Matthias PhD Theory A. Ritz
R. de Sousa
  LEBLANC, Matthew PhD Particle Physics R. McPherson
  LLOYD, Samantha PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
I. Gagne
  MAIRS, Steven PhD Astronomy D. Johnstone
F. Herwig
  MORTON, Daniel PhD Medical Physics A. Jiraek
W. Beckham
  NIEDERMAYER, Graeme MSc Particle Physics R. Kowalewski
  OMAN, Kyle PhD Astronomy J. Navarro
  RITTER, Christian PhD Astronomy F. Herwig
  SENARATH YAPA ARACHCHIGE, Pramodh Viduranga MSc Condensed Matter R. de Sousa
  SHANKMAN, Cory PhD Astronomy JJ Kavelaars
F. Herwig
  TASNEEM, Nafisa PhD Particle Physics J.M. Roney
  TURRI, Paolo PhD Astronomy D. Andersen
K. Venn
2016 BOTTRELL, Connor MSc Astronomy L. Simard
S. Ellison
  BROEKHOVEN-FIENE, Hannah PhD Astronomy B. Matthews
K. Venn
  CERVANTES SMITH, Marla MSc Particle Physics A. Gottberg
D. Karlen
  CHITSAZZADEH, Shadi MSc Medical Physics A. Mestrovic
M. Bazalova-Carter
  CHIU, Justin MSc Particle Physics R. Kowalewski
  CRAWFORD, Jason PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
W. Beckham
  DAVID, Claire PhD Particle Physics R. McPherson
M. Lefebvre
  deNIVERVILLE, Patrick PhD Theory A. Ritz
  GERARD, Benjamin MSc Astronomy C. Marois
K. Venn
  HIGGS, Clare MSc Astronomy A. McConnachie
K. Venn
  JOHNSON-GROH, Mara MSc Astronomy C. Marois
S. Ellison
  KOVACS, Paul MSc Particle Physics J. Albert
  KUKLEV, Nikita MSc Medical Physics A. Jirasek
  MALDONADO MILLAN, Fernando MSc Particle Physics A. Gottberg
D. Karlen
  MYSLIK, Jordan PhD Particle Physics D. Karlen
  PIKE, Rosemary PhD Astronomy JJ Kavelaars
K. Venn
  SAVARD, Nicolas MSc Particle Physics L. Merminga
D. Karlen
  ZHONG, Muyang MSc Condensed Matter A. Brolo
2015 ABERNATHY, Jason MSc Particle Physics D. Karlen
  CAMPBELL, Warren PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
D. Wells
  CHEN, Michael MSc Astronomy J. Di Francesco
J. Willis
  HERINGER, Epson Thiago Masikiv MSc Astronomy C. Pritchet
  LANGE, Nicholas MSc Theory M. Pospelov
  LIANG, Lichen MSc Astronomy A. Babul
  LONGO, Savino MSc Particle Physics J.M. Roney
  PEARCE, James PhD Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
  PORTER, Ryan MSc Particle Physics R. Keeler
  TOWNSON, Reid PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
S. Zavgorodni
  WHEATON, Skyler MSc Condensed Matter R. Gordon
2014 ALLEN, Marc MSc Condensed Matter R. de Sousa
  BARBER, Christopher MSc Astronomy J. Navarro
  BERG, Trystyn MSc Astronomy S. Ellison
  CHITSAZZADEH, Shadi PhD Astronomy J. Di Francesco
S. Ellison
  DRAPER, Zachary MSc Astronomy B. Matthews
K. Venn
  KING, Gregory PhD Particle Physics J. M. Roney
  MADER, Joanna MSc Medical Physics A. Jirasek
A. Mestrovic
  MOIR, Brock MSc Particle Physics R. Keeler
  OUELLETTE, Eric PhD Particle Physics J. Albert
  SAKARI, Charli PhD Astronomy K. Venn
  SCUDDER, Jillian PhD Astronomy S. Ellison
  SHAW, Conor PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
  WANG, Xun PhD Theory A. Ritz
2013 BABB, James MSc Theory P. Kovtun
  BEAULIEU, Alexandre MSc Particle Physics J.M. Roney
  BERGHAUS, Frank PhD Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
  BILDFELL, Christopher PhD Astronomy H. Hoekstra
A. Babul
  BOJECHKO, Casey PhD Particle Physics D. Karlen
  HARDER, Michael MSc Theory P. Kovtun
  HARDER, Samantha MSc Medical Physics A. Jirasek
W. Ansbacher
  JOHNSTON, Holly PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
M. Hilts
  KEZWER, Jason MSc Astronomy C. Pritchet
  LaFOREST, Stephanie MSc Condensed Matter R. de Sousa
  MAYNARD, Evan MSc Medical Physics I. Gagne
A. Jirasek
  MORTON, Daniel MSc Medical Physics W. Beckham
A. Jirasek
  PASSY, Jean-Claude PhD Astronomy F. Herwig
O. De Marco
  PON, Andrew PhD Astronomy D. Johnstone
J. Willis
  ROBERTS, James MSc Medical Physics W. Ansbacher
A. Jirasek
  SADAVOY, Sarah PhD Astronomy J. Di Francesco
S. Ellison
  URQUHART, Sheona PhD Astronomy J. Willis
  WAN, Di MSc Ocean Physics J. Klymak
M. Foreman
  ZHANG, Lei MSc Condensed Matter B.C. Choi
2012 BANDARA, H. M. Kaushala PhD Astronomy D. Crampton
C. Pritchet
  DEJONG, Samuel MSc Particle Physics J.M. Roney
  FRADETTE, Anthony MSc Theory M. Pospelov
  GLASS, Lisa PhD Astronomy L. Ferrarese
J. Willis
  KWAN, Tony MSc Particle Physics R. Keeler
  LEAMAN, Ryan PhD Astronomy K. Venn
  LESSARD, Jean-Raphael PhD Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
  LEWCZUK, Mateusz PhD Particle Physics R. Sobie
  MENON, Athira MSc Astronomy F. Herwig
  MOVASSAGHI JORSHARI, Razzi MSc Astronomy A. Babul
  PALMER, Michael MSc Astronomy L. Simard
S. Ellison
  XU, Haitian MSc Condensed Matter B.C. Choi
2011 BROEKHOVEN-FIENE, Hannah MSc Astronomy B. Matthews
S. Ellison
  CHOI, Herve PhD Particle Physics R. Sobie
  COURNEYEA, Lorraine PhD Particle Physics R. McPherson
R. Keeler
  deNIVERVILLE, Patrick MSc Theory A. Ritz
  GAO, Yan MSc Astronomy C. Pritchet
  HENDRICKS, Benjamin MSc Astronomy P. Stetson
D. VandenBerg
  HILL, Ewan MSc Particle Physics I. Trigger
M. Lefebvre
  JARRETT, Michael MSc Particle Physics J. Albert
  LLOYD, Samantha MSc Medical Physics W. Ansbacher
A. Jirasek
  MATTHEWS, Quinn PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
  MAXWELL, Aaron MSc Astronomy D. Johnstone
J. Willis
  PARKER, Alex PhD Astronomy JJ Kavelaars
J. Willis
  PEARCE, James MSc Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
  SANTONI, Albert MSc Condensed Matter B.C. Choi
  SHARMAN, Jonathan MSc Theory M. Pospelov
  STEMEROFF, Noah MSc Condensed Matter R. de Sousa
  STOREY, Douglas MSc Particle Physics D. Karlen
  TURNER, Monica MSc Astronomy P. Cote
J. Willis
  WANG, Kuhan MSc Particle Physics R. Keeler
  YUN, Zinkoo PhD Theory W. Israel
2010 BAKER, Mark MSc Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
  BAYES, Ryan PhD Particle Physics A. Olin
R.V. Kowalewski
  CAMPBELL, Warren MSc Medical Physics A. Jirasek
D. Wells
  CRAWFORD, Jason MSc Medical Physics A. Jirasek
I. Gagne
  GRAHAM, Melissa PhD Astronomy C. Pritchet
  GAUDIN, Andre MSc Particle Physics J.M. Roney
  HILLAIRET, Anthony PhD Particle Physics A. Olin
M. Lefebvre
  INCE, Tayfun PhD Particle Physics R. Keeler
  SOLTANI, Fatemeh MSc Condensed Matter G. Steeves
2009 BUSH, Karl PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
  FRIESEN, Rachel PhD Astronomy J. Di Francesco
C. Pritchet
  HAMANO, Kenji PhD Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
  HSIAO, Eric PhD Astronomy C. Pritchet
  KIRK, Helen PhD Astronomy D. Johnstone
D. Vandenberg
  LUDLOW, Aaron PhD Astronomy J. Navarro
  NUGENT, Ian PhD Particle Physics J.M. Roney
  THANJAVUR, Karunananth PhD Astronomy D. Crampton
J. Willis
  BRASSEUR, Crystal MSc Astronomy D. Vandenberg
P. Stetson
  BIRD, Christopher MSc Theory M. Pospelov
  CHUTTER, Ashley MSc Astronomy K. Venn
  LAMBERT, Simon MSc Theory M. Pospelov
  LEAMAN, Ryan MSc Astronomy K. Venn
  LINDSAY, Clayton MSc Particle Physics J.M. Roney
  MILUTINOVIC, Nikola MSc Astronomy S. Ellison
  RUDGE, Jonathan MSc Condensed Matter B.C. Choi
  SADAVOY, Sarah MSc Astronomy J. Di Francesco
D. VandenBerg
  TAYLOR, Ryan MSc Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
2008 BOLOKHOV, Pavel PhD Theory M. Pospelov
  FRASER, Wesley PhD Astronomy JJ Kavelaars
  BAXTER, Patricia MSc Medical physics A. Jirasek
  FRANSHAM, Kyle MSc Particle Physics D. Karlen
  GHAZIVINIZADEH, Aida MSc Astronomy A. Babul
  JOHNSTON, Holly PhD Medical Physics A. Jirasek
M. Hilts
  KING, Gregory MSc particle Physics R. Sobie
J.M. Roney
  MATTHEWS, Alexander MSc Medical Physics A. Jirasek
  RUDKO, David MSc Medical Physics A. Jirasek
  SHAW, Conor MSc Medical physics A. Jirasek
  TIAN, Lanlan MSc Astronomy H. Hoestra
  WANG, Xun MSc Theory W. Israel
  YORK, Brian MSc Astronomy S. Ellison
2007 POOLE, Gregory PhD Astronomy A. Babul
  SANDERSON, Aaron PhD Particle Physics A. Brolo
  TIEU, Steven PhD Theory F. Cooperstock
  BILDFELL, Chris MSc Astronomy H. Hoekstra
A. Babul
  EDMONDS, Keith MSc Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
R. McPherson
  KOOPMANS, Kristen MSc Theory M. Pospelov
  LAFORGE, Joshua MSc Condensed Matter G. Steeves
  LEWCZUK, Mateusz MSc Particle Physics R. Sobie
2006 CLEM, James PhD Astronomy D. VandenBerg
P. Stetson
  FORTIN, Dominique PhD Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
  BAYES, Ryan MSc Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
A. Olin
  BUSH, Karl MSc Medical Physics J.M. Roney
T. Popescu
  STOESZ, Jeffrey PhD Astronomy J.P. Veran
C. Pritchet
  CRANMER SARGISON, Gavin MSc Medical Physics J.M. Roney
S. Zavgorodni
  HUGHES, Tamara MSc Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
  KANWAR, Anudeep MSc Astronomy L. Simard
S. Ellison
  SHAW, Warren MSc Particle Physics R. McPherson
R. Keeler
2005 FONT, Andreea PhD Astronomy J. Navarro
  McCARTHY, Ian PhD Astronomy A. Babul
  FRIESEN, Rachel MSc Astronomy D. Johnstone
  GEEHAN, Jonathan MSc Astronomy A. Babul
  INCE, Tayfun MSc Particle Physics R. Keeler
  KIRK, Helen MSc Astronomy D. Johnstone
D. VandenBerg
  LEDUE, Jeffrey MSc Astronomy D. Crampton
C. Pritchet
  PUBLICOVER, Julia MSc Medical Physics J.M. Roney
T. Ruth
  ROSENBAUM, Gabriel MSc Particle Physics D. Karlen
  YUN, Zinkoo MSc Particle Physics J.M. Roney
2004 BAILEY, Ian PhD Particle Physics R. Keeler
  HAYASHI, Eric PhD Astronomy J. Navarro
  JACKSON, Paul PhD Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
  MILNE, Margaret MSc Astronomy C. Pritchet
  NUGENT, Ian MSc Particle Physics J.M. Roney
2003 KORMOS, Laura PhD Particle Physics R. Keeler
R. Sobie
  LABRIE, Kathleen PhD Astronomy C. Pritchet Near Infrared [FeII] Emission in Starburst Galaxies
  ROSS, Tetjana PhD Ocean Physics R. Lueck
C. Garrett
  KLOPP, Aaron MSc Astronomy C. Pritchet Submillimeter Star Formation Rates in Interacting Pairs
2002 DOBBS, Matthew PhD Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
  TAYLOR, James PhD Astronomy A. Babul The formation and survival of disk galaxies
  VACHON, Brigitte PhD Particle Physics R. McPherson
R. Sobie
  CLEM, James MSc Astronomy D. VandenBerg Strömgren Color-Temperature Relations for Cool Stars
2001 GRAHAM, Kevin PhD Particle Physics J.M. Roney Precision Determination of the Electroweak Mixing Angle and Test of Neutral Current Universality from the Tau Polarization Measurements at OPAL
  GWYN, Stephen PhD Astronomy D. Hartwick The Evolution of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Fields
  STEINBRING, Eric PhD Astronomy C. Scarfe
D. Crampton
A. Gower
Techniques in High Resolution Observations from the Ground and Space, and Imaging of the Merging Environments of Radio Galaxies at Redshift 1 to 4
  BIRD, Chris MSc Particle Physics C. Picciotto
H. Fearing
  BROWN, Chris MSc Particle Physics J.M. Roney A Study of the Leptonic Branching Ratios of the τ at BABAR
  FORTIN, Dominique MSc Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
  HAYASHI, Eric MSc Astronomy J. Navarro Tidal Disruption of Substructure in Galaxy Clusters
  JACKSON, Paul MSc Particle Physics R.V. Kowalewski
  KENDALL, Roblyn MSc Ocean Physics C. Garrett An Investigation into the Energetics of the Surf Zone and the Interactions between Turbulence and Bubbles
2000 LAWSON, Ian PhD Particle Physics R. Keeler
R. Sobie
  O'NEIL, Dugan PhD Particle Physics M. Lefebvre
  OUELLETTE, John PhD Astronomy C. Pritchet Blue Stragglers