
Solomon Faulkner

Current degree: BSc Mathematics


Solomon Faulkner

What made you choose a degree in mathematics?

I started out at UVic in Physics and realized right about the time we got to electron wells that it wasn't for me. I decided to consider the rest of the courses I was taking and take more of whatever I had most enjoyed, which turned out to be math.

Why did you choose to study at 番茄社区?

My mum did her master's here in 2009 and I got to visit her on campus from time to time. When it came time for me to choose a university, UVic was the obvious choice.

What were your expectations before the program and did they change afterwards? Were they met?

I had no real expectations going into a math degree as it wasn't exactly a premeditated decision. I've enjoyed being exposed to many new ways of thinking and have been surprised to learn how vast the field of mathematics is.

What’s the community like at the department?

The community feel really starts to kick in after 3rd year in math. Until then, I didn't feel much of a sense of connection to my classmates or department as a whole, but when class sizes dropped in 3rd and 4th year, I began to get to know my classmates, my profs, and the department quite a bit better. Those connections make the department feel more like a place where all different kinds of people can come together and help each other out.

What kind of mathematics did you like the best in school and at the university?

I really enjoy thinking about the structure of different things. Graph theory and geometry are some of the most interesting courses I've been able to take so far, both of which took subjects I thought I had a decent understanding of and allowed me to develop new perspectives and ways of understanding them. I also quite enjoyed real analysis, which forced me to learn how to describe fairly obvious things in the most precise, granular detail possible. 

How did you find your area of mathematics? What makes it particularly attractive for you?

Mostly just through taking courses in my program. I think it's a really valuable skill to be able to see the world through a very analytical lens and take a logical approach to complicated problems.

Outside of mathematics, what are your favorite things to do?

I climb, hike, and work out at the gym. In the summers, I spend lots of time camping up island and in the winters, I like to ski. I also play guitar and piano and I like to think I make a halfway decent stir fry from time to time.