


Gary MacGillivray
Professor, Chair

B.Sc., M.Sc. (UVic) , Ph.D. (Simon Fraser)


I have four main research interests. The first is algorithmic and complexity issues that arise in combinatorial problems, usually graph colourings / homomorphisms, graph domination, and related topics. The second is discrete-time dynamic processes that take place on graphs, or can be modeled by such processes on graphs. Pursuit-evasion games are one example. Dynamic domination problems are another one. The third interest is mathematics in sports, usually tournament scheduling or comparing athletic performance in different events. The fourth main interest is math education, primarily matters pertaining to student success in university-level mathematics and statistics courses, and also matters pertaining to curriculum and those pertaining to enhancing student experiences.


  • algorithms
  • combinatorics
  • complexity
  • graph theory
  • graph colouring
  • graph homomorphisms
  • dominating sets
  • pursuit-evasion games
  • combinatorial games
  • mathematics in sports
  • mathematics education

Faces of UVic Research video

In this video, Gary discusses what it means to be a mathematician and the importance of working with students on research.


  • Fall 2024: Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
  • Spring 2025: Ìý Ìý Ìý
  • Summer 2025: