
Learning Outcomes for Mathematics and Statistics Programs

Mathematics and statistics open doors in engineering, business, finance, computing, data sciences, health sciences, environmental sciences and public policy. They are also fascinating in their own right. Recent discoveries in the mathematical sciences have played an essential role in internet search algorithms, disease control, communications technology, climate modelling and much more. Mathematics and Statistics are among the most important disciplines in today's complex world, in part because they serve as the common language of science. 

By the end of a degree program in Mathematics or Statistics, a student will:

  • have the versatility to work effectively in a broad range of analytic, scientific, government, financial, health, technical and other positions.
  • have a broad background in Mathematics and Statistics, an appreciation of how its various sub-disciplines are related, the ability to use techniques from different areas, and an in-depth knowledge about topics chosen from those offered through the department.
  • be mathematically, statistically and numerically literate. In particular, graduates will: 
    • recognize the importance and value of mathematical and statistical thinking, training, and approach to problem solving, on a diverse variety of disciplines;
    • be familiar with a variety of examples where mathematics or statistics helps accurately explain abstract or physical phenomena;
    • recognize and appreciate the connections between theory and applications;
    • be able to independently read mathematical and statistical literature of various types, including survey articles, scholarly books, and online sources; and
    • be life-long learners who are able to independently expand their mathematical or statistical expertise when needed, or for interest’s sake.
  • Logic and Critical Thinking. Graduates will: 
    • have a facility with abstract reasoning, including the ability to abstract from concrete situations and make ideas precise by formulating them mathematically or statistically;
    • be able to analyze, test, and interpret technical arguments, and form independent judgements. This includes their own arguments and those of others, in both academic and non-academic contexts.
  • Problem solving. Graduates will be able to: 
    • use their mathematical and statistical training to help guide possible lines of inquiry;
    • solve complex problems by identifying feasible divisions into simpler sub-problems;
    • gather and organize relevant qualitative and quantitative information such as related problems, examples and counterexamples;
    • sharpen and/or focus mathematical or statistical questions as a problem solving strategy;
    • identify suitable existing methods of analysis, if any, and assess their strengths and weaknesses in the context of the problem being considered;
    • construct abstract models using appropriate mathematical and statistical tools;
    • use computers and software as exploratory, visualization, modelling and computational tools;
    • engage their creativity in the quest for novel or elegant solutions;
    • document problem solving steps and reliably certify the validity of their methods and results (self-check); andinterpret and critically evaluate their qualitative and quantitative results in the context of the original problem, and make recommendations.
  • Communication. Graduates will be able to: 
    • work effectively in a multi-disciplinary environment;
    • accept comments and feedback, and learn from them;
    • explain fundamental mathematical or statistical concepts to non-experts;
    • justify choices made during problem solving and interpretation of results;
    • present the results and assessment of a problem solving strategy; and
    • clearly communicate logical arguments both orally and in writing to a range of audiences.