
Alumni Advisory Board

Alumni Advisory Board group photo at UVic campus
First meeting of the Alumni Advisory Board in Sept. 2021 (L-R): Rob Bennett, Julie Angus, Fabian Wolk, Karl Swannie, Peter Loock, Michael Kuzyk, Prabha Ibrahim and Jenny Christensen.

The Faculty of Science Alumni Advisory Board provides valuable advice to the faculty leadership team, bringing non-academic perspectives to our programs. The board supports the faculty in our ongoing review of our offerings to ensure our graduates are able to meet the intellectual and practical aspects of current global challenges.

Board members

Karl Swannie, Chair

CEO & Founder of Echosec Systems
UVic BSc '99
Julie  Angus

CEO & Co-Founder of Open Ocean Robotics
UVic MSc '01
Rob Bennett

Chief Operating Officer of VIATeC
UVic BSc '83
Jennie Christensen

CEO & Founder of TrichAnalytics Inc.
UVic PhD '08
Prabha Ibrahim

Chief Technology Officer of Blade Therapeutics
UVic PhD '89
Michael Kuzyk

President & Co-Founder of Category 12 Brewing Company
UVic BSc '94, PhD '00
Fabian Wolk

President & Co-Founder of Rockland Scientific Inc.
UVic BSc '94, MSc '98
Damineh Akhavan

CEO & Founder of Global Women In STEM Inc.
UVic B.Eng. '05, BSc '06, MBA '10